convert gray values to coordinate

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a gray geotiff image of type 7841x7731 uint16. how can I find the x and y coordinates of this image?
  2 个评论
Meg Noah
Meg Noah 2020-1-11
编辑:Meg Noah 2020-1-11
Can you share the geotiff image somewhere? The question is are the raster references going to be in latitude, longitude or are they in Easting, Northing values? Can you list out the info that you get from executing:
info = geotiffinfo(fullfile(iDir,filename));
Or the contents of R when you execute:
[data,R] = geotiffread(fullfile(iDir,filename));
Merve YILDIRIM 2020-1-11
struct with fields:
Filename: 'C:\Users\HP\Desktop\Yeni klasör\16_4.TIF'
FileModDate: '15-Kas-2018 13:37:22'
FileSize: 121300618
Format: 'tif'
FormatVersion: []
Height: 7841
Width: 7731
BitDepth: 16
ColorType: 'grayscale'
ModelType: 'ModelTypeProjected'
PCS: 'WGS 84 / UTM zone 37N'
Projection: 'UTM zone 37N'
Zone: 37
CTProjection: 'CT_TransverseMercator'
ProjParm: [7×1 double]
ProjParmId: {7×1 cell}
GCS: 'WGS 84'
Datum: 'World Geodetic System 1984'
Ellipsoid: 'WGS 84'
SemiMajor: 6378137
SemiMinor: 6.3568e+06
PM: 'Greenwich'
PMLongToGreenwich: 0
UOMLength: 'metre'
UOMLengthInMeters: 1
UOMAngle: 'degree'
UOMAngleInDegrees: 1
TiePoints: [1×1 struct]
PixelScale: [3×1 double]
SpatialRef: [1×1 map.rasterref.MapPostingsReference]
RefMatrix: [3×2 double]
BoundingBox: [2×2 double]
CornerCoords: [1×1 struct]
GeoTIFFCodes: [1×1 struct]
GeoTIFFTags: [1×1 struct]


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