C2000 I2C communication

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Khashayar Olia
Khashayar Olia 2020-3-9
I've been trying to setup I2C communication between two F28069M MCUs and have a problem in receiving more than one byte. This is the TX and RX setup pictures:
And this is what I observe on the bus, both data 4(b0100) and 5(b0101) are avaiable:
The probem is I see only one byte at the RX, athough I use mux/demux but the received byte toggels between 4 and 5.
P.S.: I understand the "Read Date Length" does not have anything to do with the number of byte, but I don't know how I can see more than one byte at the receiver.
  2 个评论
Khashayar Olia
Khashayar Olia 2020-3-12
Hi Venkatesh,
Thanks for your reply. I reviewed the example and applied the same logic and it works now.


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