I would like to test the demo FMReceiverExample.m and I got the following error:
>> FMReceiverExample
> Specify run time in seconds [10.800000]: 10
> Enter signal source.
> 1) File
> 2) RTL-SDR
> Signal source [1]: 2
Searching for radios connected to your host computer...
> Enter the number corresponding to the radio you would like to use.
> 1) RTL-SDR [Radio Address: 0]
>> Radio [1]: 1
> Enter FM channel frequency (Hz) [1.025000e+08]: 1.059e8
Error using comm.SDRRTLReceiver/checkForError
Cannot create a driver for the specified address. The
address '0' is already owned by a block, block dialog, or
System object. Stop the simulation, close the open
dialog, or call the release method of the System object
to allow a new owner to be assigned.
Error in comm.SDRRTLReceiver/setupImpl
Error in FMReceiverExample (line 117)
[rcv,~,lost,late] = sigSrc();
How can I overcome this failure?
Best regards,