Generates for loop for Stress and Strain

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I am given a problem where I have to generate data point to plot. This values will show how a biomaterial is reacting.
Here are the values given to me.
Question : Model the elastic-plastic behavior of the sample polymer given above. Create a Matlab
program to model the above equations to plot a stress-strain curve.
This what I done so far yet my for loop is not working; thus I can generate the nessary data points to plot. Please help I am not very verse in Matlab.
E1=4.0; %4 is in GPa
E2=5.0; %5 is in GPa
Mu= 1.2*10^5; %this measures creep
stressO = 800*10^6; %this is initial stress
for i=0:stressO
data.less(i)=i/(E1); % Yielding when applies stress is less than initial stress
for i=stressO:(1.5*10^9)
data.great(i)=(i/(E1))+((i-stressO)/E2); % Yielding when applies stress is less than initial stress
subplot (2,1,1)
plot (data.less);
subplot (2,1,2)
plot (data.great);


darova 2020-4-14
编辑:darova 2020-4-14
Here is the problem
The solution:
sp = stress0.plus10:1500
for i = 1:length(sp);

更多回答(1 个)

darova 2020-4-13
编辑:darova 2020-4-13
here are modifications needed to be done. No for loop is needed
  1 个评论
Pablo Tejada Jr.
Pablo Tejada Jr. 2020-4-14
I Thank you for your answer and aiding me. Yet the reason I opt to a "For Loop" becuase I wanted to have a singular data variable that is chaning over stresses. I was able to modify my code to anwers question A through D; However, I am facing another problem with part E. I get an error message when I add/subtract .1 from stress0 in the "for Loop"
a) Model the elastic-plastic behavior of the sample polymer given above. Create a Matlab, Simulink (or other appropriate platform) program to model the above equations to plot a stress-strain curve.
b) Use the given constants and yield point above to plot the stress-strain curve. Vary stress from 0 to 1.5 GPa for the graphs. Note this plot has two ranges and two equations that go into the same graph.
c) Change E1 by + and – 10% and plot the result on the graphs above. Describe how this element changes the behavior of the material.
d) Change E2 by + and – 10% and plot the result on a new set of graphs. Describe how this element changes the behavior of the material.
e) Change the yield stress0 by + and – 10% and plot the result on a new set of graphs. Describe how this element changes the behavior of the material.
Here is my code
%% Assigning Values to the Variables
clear all
close all
E1=4000; %4GPa written in 4000 MPa
E2=5000; %5GPa written in 5000 MPa
Mu= 1.2*10^5; %this measures creep
stress0.norm = 800; %this is initial stress value is in MPa
%The Following values are used to answer part E
stress0.plus10 = 800+.1;
stress0.minus10 = 800-.1;
%% Generating Data Points Using "For Loop"
% The following loop generates points with E1 and E2. Answers for part
% B,C&D
for i=1:stress0.norm
strain.normal(i)=i/E1; % This is storing the values before yielding
%Answer for part C
strain.E1plus10(i)=i/(E1+.1); % This is storing the values before yielding with E1 + 10%
strain.E1minus10(i)=i/(E1-.1); % This is storing the values before yielding with E1 - 10%
%Answer for part D
strain.E2plus10(i)=i/E1; % This is storing the values before yielding
strain.E2minus10(i)=i/E1; % This is storing the values before yielding
for i=stress0.norm:1500 %this is the finising stress in MPa (after yielding
strain.normal(i)=(i/E1)+((i-stress0.norm)/E2); % This is storing the values after yielding
%Answer for part C
strain.E1plus10(i)=(i/E1+.1)+((i-stress0.norm)/E2); % This is storing the values after yielding with E1 + 10%
strain.E1minus10(i)=(i/E1-.1)+((i-stress0.norm)/E2); % This is storing the values after yielding with E1 + 10%
%Answer for part D
% Creating a another seperated loop for changes in stress0
% for stress0+10%
for i=1:stress0.plus10
for i=stress0.plus10;1500
% for stress0-10%
for i=1:stress0.minus10
for i=stress0.minus10;1500
%% The following lines plots the data before stress0 is modified



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