Import name/value parameters from a text file to a struct (or cell array)

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Matlab has all sorts of sophisticated functionality for importing datasets stored in text files, with plenty of options to control input behavior, variable names, replacement options, etc. etc.
What I am looking to do seems to need some of this functionality, but is fairly simple, and what I have found so far seems to be overkill, or doesn't work well. Can someone advise a better way?
Goal: Take a simple name/value list of parameters in a text file and write to a struct (preferred) or cell array, with datatypes appropriately converted and variable names stored as fields.
dt .01
x0 0
y0 0
flag1 false
flag2 true
inputArray [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]
jobname 'myjob'
myStruct =
struct with fields:
dt: 0.0100
x0: 0
y0: 0
flag1: 0
flag2: 1
inputArray: [3×3 double]
jobname: 'myjob'
The point here is that whatever process/function that converts the input to the output will recognize the datatype and convert it appropriately, ideally creating struct fields based on the variable names in the textfile.
I could certainly build a custom parser to do this, but it seems that there is enough built-in Matlab functionality designed to work with text data I am curious if there is an existing and/or simpler way.


Stephen23 2020-6-15
编辑:Stephen23 2020-6-15
As far as I am aware there isn't anything inbuilt. But you can do something like this:
>> str = fileread('myparamfile.txt');
>> tkn = regexp(str,'(\S+)\s+([^\r\n]*)','tokens');
>> tkn = vertcat(tkn{:}).';
>> [num,idx] = cellfun(@str2num,tkn(2,:),'uni',0);
>> idx = [idx{:}];
>> tkn(2,idx) = num(idx);
>> out = struct(tkn{:})
out =
dt: 0.01
x0: 0
y0: 0
flag1: 0
flag2: 1
inputArray: [3x3 double]
jobname: ''myjob''

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