How do I extract columns from a matrix using a loop?

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I have a 15x2 matrix that looks like this:
1500 0
220 80
220 75
220 70
220 65
275 70
275 75
275 80
285 80
285 75
300 80
300 70
300 60
220 30
300 40
From this matrix, I have to separate the two columns into different variable in column vector form, but I don't need the first row(this is another task I was able to do) and I MUST use a loop per the instructions.
So far, I have:
for l = 1:d
if datain(l)>100
if datain(l)<=300
PH1(m) = datain(l);
PH = PH1';
m = m + 1;
m = m - 1;
for k = datain
LA = k(2:15,1);
Technically, this works, somewhat, but I don't think it's what the professor is looking for. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

回答(2 个)

bym 2012-11-27
编辑:bym 2012-11-27
for k = 2:length(matrix)
var1(k-1) = matrix(k,1);
var2(k-1) = matrix(k,2);
end %

Jan 2012-11-28
This runs, but does not do what you expect:
for k = datain
LA = k(2:15,1);
For each element of datain the variable LA is overwritten by the vektor k(2:15,1). Therefore the FOR loop can be omitted.
What is d in your code?
Why do you assume, that the professor wants something else?


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