How to create an Excel chart, lable the axes and change their front size

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi :) maybe someone here can help me.
I have to create an Excel chart (line chart), label the axes and change their font size. But i don't no how.
A sample of my code would be the following...
excelApp = actxserver('Excel.Application');
ewb = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(Destination); % open file (enter full path!)
myWorkSheet = ewb.Worksheets.get('Item', numofFiles); % ...get('Item', 1 2 ...) => sheet1 sheet2 ...
myChartObject = myWorkSheet.ChartObjects.Add(10, 275, 500, 250);
myPlots = myChartObject.Chart;
myPlots.HasTitle = true;
myPlots.ChartTitle.Text = 'Name Diagramm';
line1 = myPlots.SeriesCollection.NewSeries;
myPlots.SeriesCollection(1).XValue = resultsData(1:20,1); % X-axis
myPlots.SeriesCollection(1).Values = resultsData(1:20,2); % Y-axis
line1.ChartType = 'xlLine';
line1.Name = 'Name Linie';
Would be cool if someone could help me :)

回答(1 个)

Nipun Agarwal
Nipun Agarwal 2020-6-18
编辑:Nipun Agarwal 2020-6-18
You need to modify the way you are adding charts to the excel sheet. You can use following commands to add charts and adding other features.
chart1 = ewb.Charts.Add % To add the Chart
To change the chart type use
chart1.ChartType = 'xlLine';
To add the Xaxis Title use,
chart1.Axes(1).HasTitle = true.
chart1.Axes(1).AxisTitle.Text = 'X axis Title'.
To change the font size you can use
chart1.Axes(1).AxisTitle.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size = 20;
Attaching the full code for your reference.
ewb = excelApp.Workbooks.Open('Put file Path here');
myWorkSheet = ewb.Worksheets.get('Item', 1);
rg1 = myWorkSheet.Range('$A:$A'); %getting x axis data from excel sheet column A
rg2 = myWorkSheet.Range('$B:$B'); %getting x axis data from excel sheet column B
rg = excelApp.Union(rg1, rg2);
chart1 = ewb.Charts.Add;
chart1.SetSourceData(rg); %Adding data to chart from excel sheet
chart1.ChartType = 'xlLine'; %defining chart type
chart1.Axes(1).HasTitle = true;
chart1.Axes(1).AxisTitle.Text = 'X axis Title'; % XAxes
chart1.Axes(2).HasTitle = true;
chart1.Axes(2).AxisTitle.Text = 'Y axis Title'; %YAxes
chart1.Axes(1).AxisTitle.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size = 20; %changing font Size of X axis
chart1.Axes(2).AxisTitle.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size = 20; %changing font size of Y axis


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