Can anyone help me to get this PV=nRT working? please.

29 次查看(过去 30 天)
Just to let you know this is the first time that iam using matlab and have very basic knowledge, if any at all ahah. But basically i have to find the P constant at volume changes between 3 and 5 litres, and at two temperature constants 372k and 472k.
Yet the way i have put it into matlab is does not seem to work and help on this would be appreciated, ill put what ive writen below.
%Ideal gas equation
% a program for calculating the pressure distribution in the ideal gas equation
%define the tempurature
T1 =372; % units of temperature in kelvi
T2 =427; % units of temperature in kelvin
% define R
R=0.08206; % units L.atm.mol^-1
% define n
% define the array of volume in litres
% calculate the pressure disribution (when P is the subject in the ideal % gas equation)
for j=1:10
% plot the two graphs on the one axis


Matt Fig
Matt Fig 2012-12-1
编辑:Matt Fig 2012-12-1
Change your FOR loop to this:
for jj=1:length(V) % Note, length(V), not 10!
And your call to PLOT to this:
Now you can also do things in a more MATLAB-ish way, without loops. This is called vectorization:
P1 = T1*R*n./V; % Note the ./ rather than /
P2 = T2*R*n./V;

更多回答(2 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012-12-1
You don't need the for loop, and you need ./ instead of / to do an element by element divide. Try it this way:
%Ideal gas equation % a program for calculating the pressure distribution in the ideal gas equation %define the tempurature
T1 = 372; % units of temperature in kelvin
T2 = 427; % units of temperature in kelvin
% define R
R=0.08206; % units L.atm.mol^-1
% define n
% Define the array of volume in litres
V = 3 : .01*5 : 5;
% Calculate the pressure disribution (when P is the subject in the ideal % gas equation)
P1 = T1 * R * n ./ V;
P2 = T2 * R * n ./ V;
% Plot the two graphs on the one axis
plot(V, P1, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2)
plot(V,P2, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2)
grid on;
legend('P1', 'P2');
xlabel('V', 'FontSize', 20);
ylabel('P', 'FontSize', 20);
title('PV=nRT', 'FontSize', 20);
By the way, you can highlight your code and click the {}Code icon above the text box so that you don't have to put blank lines in between your lines of code to get them to show up on separate lines.
  2 个评论
Arda Güçlü
Arda Güçlü 2016-1-11
编辑:Arda Güçlü 2016-1-11
My school project is to write a general function for the ideal gas equation. Have you got any examples about it ?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016-1-11
No. But programming PV=NRT sounds pretty trivial, or could be depending on how simple or fancy you want the program to be.
I don't know what kind of output you are expecting, like a contour plot or image or whatever. If you want, you could start a new question with your attempt at code and a good description of what you want to show/visualize.


jackie 2022-12-13
can anyone give a loop for this one thankyou
clc; clear all; close all;
% Make a Design program that will Calculate for the value of Pressure, Volume, and Temperature using Ideal gas Law.
% Program Data
fprintf('This program will be used to calculate for the values of Pressure, Volume, and Temperature using the Ideal Gas Law equation PV=nRT. \n');
% R Constant to be utilized
R=0.0821; %
% Equation Calculating Code
fprintf('Choose Variable to Solve. \n');
fprintf('Type in P for Pressure \n');
fprintf('Type in V for Volume \n');
fprintf('Type in T for Temperature \n\n');
Variable = input('Variable: ', 's');
if strcmp(Variable,'P');
fprintf('Calculate for Pressure.\n');
n=input('Type in Number of Moles (mol): ');
T=input('Type in Temperature value in deg Celsius (°C): ');
V=input('Type in Volume value in Liters (L): ');
P=[n*R*(T+273)]/V; % Calculating for Pressure with converted Temperature from °C to K
fprintf('Pressure = %f atm \n', P); % Final Answer
elseif strcmp(Variable,'V');
fprintf('Calculate for Volume.\n');
n=input('Type in Number of Moles (mol): ');
T=input('Type in Temperature value in deg Celsius (°C): ');
P=input('Type in Pressure value in Atmospheric Pressure (atm): ');
V=[n*R*(T+273)]/P; % Calculating for Volume with converted Temperature from °C to K
% fprintf('Volume = %f L \n', V); % Final Answer
elseif strcmp(Variable,'T');
fprintf('Calculate for Temperature.\n');
P=input('Type in Pressure value in Atmospheric Pressure (atm): ');
V=input('Type in Volume value in Liters (L): ');
n=input('Type in Number of Moles (mol): ');
  1 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022-12-13
@jackie here is one way:
% Make a Design program that will Calculate for the value of Pressure, Volume, and Temperature using Ideal gas Law.
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
format long g;
format compact;
fontSize = 20;
% R Constant to be utilized
R=0.0821; %
button = 'Yes';
while strcmpi(button, 'Yes')
% Program Data
fprintf('This program will be used to calculate for the values of Pressure, Volume, and Temperature using the Ideal Gas Law equation PV=nRT. \n');
% Equation Calculating Code
fprintf('Choose Variable to Solve. \n');
fprintf('Type in P for Pressure \n');
fprintf('Type in V for Volume \n');
fprintf('Type in T for Temperature \n\n');
Variable = input('Variable: ', 's');
if strcmpi(Variable,'P')
fprintf('Calculate for Pressure.\n');
n=input('Type in Number of Moles (mol): ');
T=input('Type in Temperature value in deg Celsius (°C): ');
V=input('Type in Volume value in Liters (L): ');
P=[n*R*(T+273)]/V; % Calculating for Pressure with converted Temperature from °C to K
fprintf('Pressure = %f atm \n', P); % Final Answer
elseif strcmpi(Variable,'V')
fprintf('Calculate for Volume.\n');
n=input('Type in Number of Moles (mol): ');
T=input('Type in Temperature value in deg Celsius (°C): ');
P=input('Type in Pressure value in Atmospheric Pressure (atm): ');
V= n*R*(T+273) / P; % Calculating for Volume with converted Temperature from °C to K
% fprintf('Volume = %f L \n', V); % Final Answer
elseif strcmpi(Variable,'T')
fprintf('Calculate for Temperature.\n');
P=input('Type in Pressure value in Atmospheric Pressure (atm): ');
V=input('Type in Volume value in Liters (L): ');
n=input('Type in Number of Moles (mol): ');
% Tell user the results and ask if they want to keep going.
message = sprintf('T = %f\nP = %f\nV = %f\nn = %f\n', T, P, V, n);
fprintf('%s', message);
reply = questdlg(message, 'Results', 'OK - Continue', 'Quit', 'OK - Continue');
if strcmpi(reply, 'Quit')
% User said Quit, so exit.



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