Permanently disable datacursor mode

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I would like to disable the datacursormode from a figure which I am picking on using ginput. I have tried several ways to disable the datacursor as described here, but this has been ineffective.
Inside a while loop I am calling ginput once per iteration, and plotting the selected point on the figure. However, even after setting datacursormode off, inbetween calls to ginput the data cursor will automatically begin highlighting points for data tips. This is preventing my ginput picker from working effectively. Any advise would be helpful.
minimum working example using matlab 2018b or later.
fig = figure(998); clf
dcm = datacursormode(fig);
dcm.Enable = 'off';
while 1
[x,y,btn] = ginput(1)
if isempty(btn)


geotocho 2020-6-25
编辑:geotocho 2020-6-25

更多回答(1 个)

Sang Kim
Sang Kim 2024-4-29
How many times should I set this? I set startup.m with set( groot , 'defaultAxesCreateFcn' , 'disableDefaultInteractivity(gca)' ). It showed in my GUI. I tried to insert in each figure like this, disableDefaultInteractivity(Anal.gui.axes(1)).
But, it shows again. How do I remove this one. I upgraded from Matlab 2013a to 2024a. The 2024a version matlab is really bad because of this. I cannot give client because of this x, y value showing whenever I click on the graph. Please and please complete remove this function. Don't make smart people confused. Please remove it or don't set it default.
  1 个评论
Sang Kim
Sang Kim 2024-5-2
I have tried to insert the following in my startup.m and it worked.
set(groot,'defaultAxesCreateFcn', @(ax,~) set(ax,'Interactions',[]));



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