Help with animation of vector

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Zackery Aranda
Zackery Aranda 2012-12-8
I have a script that utilizes a separate function that plots an arrow between the center of a circle and an object rotating around it. When I set the handles to animate it, I cannot get the arrowhead itself to be plotted. Is there any ideas?
% Script file for animating the circular motion of a bead
% -------------------------------------------
theta = linspace(0,12*pi,1000);
x=cos(theta); % generate x and y-coordinate
y=sin(theta); % of the bead along the path
hbead = plot(x(1),y(1),'o', 'markersize',8); % draw the bead at the initial
hold on
r = plot_arrow(0,0,x(1),y(1));
axis([-2 2 -2 2]); axis('square');
for k=1:length(theta) % cycle through all positions
The function for drawing the arrows has an output of :
den = x2 - x1 + eps; % make sure no devision by zero occurs
teta = atan( (y2-y1)/den ) + pi*(x2<x1) - pi/2; % angle of arrow
cs = cos(teta); [0,0] % rotation matrix
ss = sin(teta);
R = [cs -ss;ss cs];
line_length = sqrt( (y2-y1)^2 + (x2-x1)^2 ); % sizes
head_length = min( line_length*alpha,max_length )*1.5;
head_width = min( line_length*beta,max_length )*1.5;
x0 = x2*cs + y2*ss; % build head coordinats
y0 = -x2*ss + y2*cs;
coords = R*[x0 x0+head_width/2 x0-head_width/2; y0 y0-head_length y0-head_length];
h1 = plot( [x1,x2],[y1,y2],'k' );
h2 = patch( coords(1,:),coords(2,:),[0 0 0] )
output = [h1 h2]

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