ODE not evaluating correctly with time dependent parameter

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I am trying to pass a time dependent constant to my ode solver however it is not yielding the right values.
Eo = 0.4;
Ei = 0;
v = -0.1;
a = 0.5;
F = 96485.33289;
R = 8.314;
T = 293.15;
tfinal = -1.5/v;
tstep = 0.1;
tspan = 0:tstep:tfinal;
En = Ei + v * tspan;
kmax = 225000;
k0 = kmax * exp(-8);
kred = k0 .* exp(((-a * F)/(R * T)) * (En - Eo));
kox = k0 .* exp((((1-a) * F)/(R * T)) * (En - Eo));
IC = 1;
[A, B] = ode15s(@(t, y) myODE(t, y, kred, kox, En), tspan, IC);
function dydt = myODE(t, y, kred, kox, En)
kred = interp1(En, kred, t);
kox = interp1(En, kox, t);
dydt = -kred .* y + kox;
A and B are being solved as singular values (0 and 1 respectively). The arrays of kred and kox are yielding the right values. What is confusing me is that I have a similar test code, which returns an array for the values A and B.
v = 3;
tfinal = 15/v;
tStep = 1;
tspan = 0:tStep:tfinal;
x = tspan * v;
xi = 0;
xn = xi + v*tspan;
s = 0.5 * exp(xn - 3);
u = -0.5 * exp(xn - 3);
IC = 1;
[A, B] = ode15s(@(t, y) myODE(t, y, s, u, xn), tspan, IC);
function dydt = myODE(t, y, s, u, xn)
s = interp1(xn, s, t);
u = interp1(xn, u, t);
dydt = -s .*y + u;
For this code, A and B are returning the correct values and I don't see any striking differences in how the function set up is besides the actual equations of the parameters. Any help is appreciated.
  6 个评论
Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens 2020-7-24
Your En values are all negative, but you are passing positive values of t to the interp function. Are you sure En should be negative.
The corresponding terms, xn, in your other code are positive.
Riley Stein
Riley Stein 2020-7-24
Increasing the tolerance of the ode15s produced results, albeit not the right ones. Some values are being solved as negative, when they should never be negative because there is no physical meaning for it. As for the differential equations, they are from a paper and are right.



Star Strider
Star Strider 2020-7-24
Create ‘kred’ and ‘kox’ as anonymous functions, and it runs:
Eo = 0.4;
Ei = 0;
v = -0.1;
a = 0.5;
F = 96485.33289;
R = 8.314;
T = 293.15;
tfinal = -1.5/v;
tstep = 0.1;
tspan = 0:tstep:tfinal;
En = Ei + v * tspan;
kmax = 225000;
k0 = kmax * exp(-8);
Enfcn = @(t) Ei + v * t;
kredfcn = @(t) k0 .* exp(((-a * F)/(R * T)) * (Enfcn(t) - Eo));
koxfcn = @(t) k0 .* exp((((1-a) * F)/(R * T)) * (Enfcn(t) - Eo));
IC = 1;
[A, B] = ode15s(@(t, y) myODE(t, y), tspan, IC);
function dydt = myODE(t, y)
kred = kredfcn(t);
kox = koxfcn(t);
dydt = -kred .* y + kox;
You must determine if it produces the correct result.
  5 个评论
Star Strider
Star Strider 2020-7-25
As always, my pleasure!
(My apologies for not seeing tthe obvious relationship between ‘t’ and the functions earllier.)
It should work the same way for a system of differential equations. (It obviously depends on the differential equations and the functions, if they are not the same as they are here.)
Riley Stein
Riley Stein 2020-7-27
For future reference, the first approach also works. So long as the kred and kox parameters are passed to the function (t, y, kredfcn, koxfcn) and then called as koxfcn(t) and kredfcn(t) in the function, the script will run!


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