simulink application was unable to start 0xc000007b? (in 64bit computer)

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I try compile the exe file from 32bit window and it gave me a lot of registry problem?
How to get simulink application run?
What i did: I build a simple source and oscilloscope simulink model. I change the code generation to rsim.tlc. I build it.
Did i do anything wrong on my steps? Can anyone send me a sample simulink standalone file which are running, and probably send me a video.
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回答(2 个)

Kelvin Oys
Kelvin Oys 2013-1-30
This is just a situation report. I try matlab 32bit 2009a and it works fine in producing a simulink exe file. However in 2009a there is no PID controller which still not working.

Anuj Patil
Anuj Patil 2018-6-20


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