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Qayyim Awie
Qayyim Awie 2021-1-13
// Program to solve Job Assignment problem
// using Branch and Bound
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define N 4
// state space tree node
struct Node
// stores parent node of current node
// helps in tracing path when answer is found
Node* parent;
// contains cost for ancestors nodes
// including current node
int pathCost;
// contains least promising cost
int cost;
// contain worker number
int workerID;
// contains Job ID
int jobID;
// Boolean array assigned will contains
// info about available jobs
bool assigned[N];
// Function to allocate a new search tree node
// Here Person x is assigned to job y
Node* newNode(int x, int y, bool assigned[],
Node* parent)
Node* node = new Node;
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
node->assigned[j] = assigned[j];
node->assigned[y] = true;
node->parent = parent;
node->workerID = x;
node->jobID = y;
return node;
// Function to calculate the least promising cost
// of node after worker x is assigned to job y.
int calculateCost(int costMatrix[N][N], int x,
int y, bool assigned[])
int cost = 0;
// to store unavailable jobs
bool available[N] = {true};
// start from next worker
for (int i = x + 1; i < N; i++)
int min = INT_MAX, minIndex = -1;
// do for each job
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
// if job is unassigned
if (!assigned[j] && available[j] &&
costMatrix[i][j] < min)
// store job number
minIndex = j;
// store cost
min = costMatrix[i][j];
// add cost of next worker
cost += min;
// job becomes unavailable
available[minIndex] = false;
return cost;
// Comparison object to be used to order the heap
struct comp
bool operator()(const Node* lhs,
const Node* rhs) const
return lhs->cost > rhs->cost;
// print Assignments
void printAssignments(Node *min)
cout << "Assign Worker " << char(min->workerID + 'A')
<< " to Job " << min->jobID << endl;
// Finds minimum cost using Branch and Bound.
int findMinCost(int costMatrix[N][N])
// Create a priority queue to store live nodes of
// search tree;
priority_queue<Node*, std::vector<Node*>, comp> pq;
// initailize heap to dummy node with cost 0
bool assigned[N] = {false};
Node* root = newNode(-1, -1, assigned, NULL);
root->pathCost = root->cost = 0;
root->workerID = -1;
// Add dummy node to list of live nodes;
// Finds a live node with least cost,
// add its childrens to list of live nodes and
// finally deletes it from the list.
while (!pq.empty())
// Find a live node with least estimated cost
Node* min = pq.top();
// The found node is deleted from the list of
// live nodes
// i stores next worker
int i = min->workerID + 1;
// if all workers are assigned a job
if (i == N)
return min->cost;
// do for each job
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
// If unassigned
if (!min->assigned[j])
// create a new tree node
Node* child = newNode(i, j, min->assigned, min);
// cost for ancestors nodes including current node
child->pathCost = min->pathCost + costMatrix[i][j];
// calculate its lower bound
child->cost = child->pathCost +
calculateCost(costMatrix, i, j, child->assigned);
// Add child to list of live nodes;
// Driver code
int main()
// x-cordinate represents a Worker
// y-cordinate represents a Job
int costMatrix[N][N] =
{9, 2, 7, 8},
{6, 4, 3, 7},
{5, 8, 1, 8},
{7, 6, 9, 4}
/* int costMatrix[N][N] =
{82, 83, 69, 92},
{77, 37, 49, 92},
{11, 69, 5, 86},
{ 8, 9, 98, 23}
/* int costMatrix[N][N] =
{2500, 4000, 3500},
{4000, 6000, 3500},
{2000, 4000, 2500}
/*int costMatrix[N][N] =
{90, 75, 75, 80},
{30, 85, 55, 65},
{125, 95, 90, 105},
{45, 110, 95, 115}
cout << "\nOptimal Cost is "
<< findMinCost(costMatrix);
return 0;

回答(1 个)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2021-1-13
Are you trying to solve the same type of problem the matchpairs function does?


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