How to find an unknown in an integral equation

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Hi, I am experiencing errors in calculating the following. Kindly help me solve these equations.
a = 0.0859;
b = -0.1650;
c = 0.0344;
lambda = 2.8e-9;
alphaA = 0.52;
T = 303;
F = 96487;
R = 8.314;
Ioref = 0.0013;
K = 7.5e-4;
Icell = 0.02;
A = 1000;
Cmeoh = (a .* (z.^2)) + (b.*z) + c;
fun = @(z,nA) Cmeoh./(Cmeoh + (lambda.*exp((alphaA.*nA.*F)./(R.*T))));
eqn = Icell == A.*Ioref.*K.*exp((2.*alphaA.*nA.*F)./(R.*T)).*(integral(fun,0.015,0.0173));
"nA" is the unknown and it has to be found from the above equation.
Thank you for your time and help.


Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens 2021-1-14
Here's one way:
nA0 = 1; % Initial guess
nA = fzero(@fn, nA0);
function Z = fn(nA)
alphaA = 0.52;
T = 303;
F = 96487;
R = 8.314;
Ioref = 0.0013;
K = 7.5e-4;
Icell = 0.02;
A = 1000;
a = 0.0859;
b = -0.1650;
c = 0.0344;
lambda = 2.8e-9;
Cmeoh = @(z) a*z.^2 + b*z + c;
fun = @(z) Cmeoh(z)./(Cmeoh(z) + (lambda.*exp((alphaA.*nA.*F)./(R.*T))));
I = integral(fun,0.015,0.0173);
Z = A.*Ioref.*K.*exp((2.*alphaA.*nA.*F)./(R.*T)).*I - Icell;
  2 个评论
Narasimha Varma Hemadri
Thanks a lot. It worked !
Now I want to do the same calcualtion for different values of T, Icell, Cb. Kindly help me out.
T has 5 values, Icell has 10 values and Cb has 5. So, you will see I have used 3 nested for loops.
I have to find "nA" for all these different inputs. I am attaching the text file which contains the code.
Thank you for your time !
Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens 2021-1-15
More like this, with the loops around the fzero function:
nA = zeros(5,10,5);
nA0 = 1; % Initial guess
for t = 1:1:5
for i = 1:1:10
for j = 1:1:5
nA(t,i,j) = fzero(@(nA)fn(nA,t,i,j), nA0);
function Z = fn(nA,t,i,j)
alphaA = 0.52;
T = [303,313,323,333,343]; % Kelvin
Cb = [0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5]; %Concentration of Methanol
delA = 0.0023; % cm
delB = 0.015;
n = 6;
F = 96487;
R = 8.314;
K = 7.5e-4;
A = 1000;
Dm = 4.9e-6.*exp(-2436.*((1/333)-(1./T)));
K2 = 0.8;
K1 = 0.8;
Db = 8.7e-6; % cm^2/s
delM = 0.018; % cm
Da = 2.8e-5.*exp(-2436.*((1/353)-(1./T)));
xmeoh = Cb./(Cb+55.55);
Emeoh = 2.5.*xmeoh;
Icell = linspace(0.02,2,10); %0.02:0.02:0.2; *******Only 10 values for i
Ioref = 9.425e-3.*exp((35570/R).*((1/353)-(1./T)));
lambda = 2.8e-9; % mol/cm^3
C1A = (delA.*Dm(t).*K2.*((Db.*Cb(j))-(Icell(i).*delB)./(12*F)) + delM.*Da(t).*((Db.*Cb(j))-(1+6.*Emeoh(j)).*(Icell(i).*delB)./(6*F)))...
C2A = (delM.*((Da(t).*Db.*Cb(j)) - (delA.*Db.*K1.*(1+12.*Emeoh(j)).*(Icell(i))./(2*n*F)) - (delB.*Da(t).*(1+6.*Emeoh(j)).*(Icell(i))./(6*F))))...
a = Icell(i)./(12.*F.*delA.*Da(t));
b = (((C2A - C1A)./delA) - ((Icell(i)./(12.*F.*delA.*Da(t))).*((2.*delB)+delA)));
c = C1A - (((C2A-C1A)./delA).*delB) + (Icell(i)./(12.*F.*delA.*Da(t)).*delB.*(delB+delA));
Cmeoh = @(z) a.*(z.^2) + b.*z + c;
f1 = @(z) Cmeoh(z)./(Cmeoh(z) + (lambda.*exp((alphaA.*nA.*F)./(R.*T(t)))));
I = integral(f1,0.015,0.0173);
Z = A.*Ioref(t).*K.*exp((2.*alphaA.*nA.*F)./(R.*T(t))).*I - Icell(i);


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