Find a vector of string in a Cell array

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all
Assume I have a cell array which is like a matrix like this Dataset=
Now I want to find the index of a row of this array which is for example
uniquevalue is another cell array which is like a 1*n array
When I wanted to convert the Dataset to Matrix with cell2mat,following error happened:
Error using cat: Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
Actually I wanted to convert these to cell arrays to the matrix and then use following statement
Are there any function in Matlab to find the index of a row of cell array
Best Regards Mojgan
  1 个评论
Jan 2013-4-29
Please post a complete copy of the error message and at least the line, which causes the error. Otherwise we cannot suggest an improvement for the relevant part of the code, but have to invent the algorithm from scratch. This decreases the chance, that our suggestion match your needs.



Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2013-4-29
编辑:Andrei Bobrov 2013-4-29
[~,i1] = ismember(Dataset,uniquevalue);
index = find(all(diff(i1,1,2)==1,2));
other variant:
Dataset = {
'DICL' 'Coating' 'Yes'
'DICL' 'Coating' 'No'
'DICL' 'Coating' 'YES'
'DICL' 'Coating' 'NO'};
uniquevalue = {'DICL' 'Coating' 'YES'
'DICL' 'Coating' 'NO'};
[~,~,c] = unique([Dataset;uniquevalue]);
s = size(Dataset);
M = reshape(c,[],s(2));
[ii,index] = ismember(M(1:s(1),:),M(s(1)+1:end,:),'rows');
out = [find(ii),index(ii)]
  2 个评论
Mojgan 2013-5-1
Thanks a lot
I needed the index of all uniquevalue in Dataset and your answer worked correctly
Mojgan 2013-5-2
编辑:Jan 2013-5-2
Hi again
What if both Dataset and uniquevalue contain both strings and numerics? like:
Dataset = {
'DICL' 'Coating' 'Yes' 10
'DICL' 'Coating' 'No' 12
'DICL' 'Coating' 'YES' 11
'DICL' 'Coating' 'NO' 13};
uniquevalue = {'DICL' 'Coating' 'YES' 11
'DICL' 'Coating' 'NO' 13};
When I wrote [ii,index] = ismember(M(1:s(1),:),M(s(1)+1:end,:),'rows'); in such situation, I got following error:
Input A of class cell and input B of class cell must be cell arrays of strings, unless one is a string.
[EDITED, Jan, code formatted - please do this by your own, Thanks]


更多回答(1 个)

Jan 2013-4-29
Data = {'DICL','Coating','Yes'; ...
'DICL','Coating','No'; ...
'DICL','Coating','Yes'; ...
Search = {'DICL','Coating','NO'};
index = strcmp(Data(:, 1), Search(:, 1)) & ...
strcmp(Data(:, 2), Search(:, 2)) & ...
strcmp(Data(:, 3), Search(:, 3));
Or perhaps you want find(index).
  2 个评论
Mojgan 2013-5-1
Thanks Jan
I needed to find Index and I used the Andrei answer.It worked
Jan 2013-5-2
编辑:Jan 2013-5-2
If you need the index instead of the logical index, you can append this line:
index = find(index)
Then, I think, my solution is much more direct. ismember and unique both performs an expensive sorting, but for large inout (perhaps 100'000 rows) this supports a much faster binary search of matching strings.



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