Texture segmentation using gabor filter

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
When the code is executed more than once, the output is the edges and not the cut-off part in the sense of the execution it is the opposite. Please help please
A = imread('kobi.png'); A = imresize(A,0.25); Agray = rgb2gray(A); figure imshow(A); imageSize = size(A); numRows = imageSize(1); numCols = imageSize(2);
wavelengthMin = 4/sqrt(2); wavelengthMax = hypot(numRows,numCols); n = floor(log2(wavelengthMax/wavelengthMin)); wavelength = 2.^(0:(n-2)) * wavelengthMin;
deltaTheta = 45; orientation = 0:deltaTheta:(180-deltaTheta);
g = gabor(wavelength,orientation); gabormag = imgaborfilt(Agray,g); for i = 1:length(g) sigma = 0.5*g(i).Wavelength; K = 3; gabormag(:,:,i) = imgaussfilt(gabormag(:,:,i),K*sigma); end X = 1:numCols; Y = 1:numRows; [X,Y] = meshgrid(X,Y); featureSet = cat(3,gabormag,X); featureSet = cat(3,featureSet,Y); numPoints = numRows*numCols; X = reshape(featureSet,numRows*numCols,[]);
X = bsxfun(@minus, X, mean(X)); X = bsxfun(@rdivide,X,std(X)); coeff = pca(X); feature2DImage = reshape(X*coeff(:,1),numRows,numCols); figure imshow(feature2DImage,[]); L = kmeans(X,2,'Replicates',5); L = reshape(L,[numRows numCols]); figure imshow(label2rgb(L)); Aseg1 = zeros(size(A),'like',A); Aseg2 = zeros(size(A),'like',A); BW = L == 2; BW = repmat(BW,[1 1 3]); Aseg1(BW) = A(BW); Aseg2(~BW) = A(~BW); figure imshowpair(Aseg1,Aseg2,'montage');

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