Out of Memory, The size of the indicated variable or array appears to be changing with each loop iteration. Undefined function or variable 'Feat1'.

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clear all
PF = 'D:\Project\DB1\train\' % Parent Folder
SFL = dir(PF) % List the sub folders
[mp, np] = size(SFL); % compute size = number of subfolders & files & . & ..
csf=0; % counter of JUST subfolders found in PF
for i=3:mp
%% keep only folders:
k = strfind(SFL(i).name,'.');
if isempty(strfind(SFL(i).name,'.'))
csf = csf +1; % one sub folder found
SFN = SFL(i).name ;% extract his name
tifList = ls(sprintf('%s%s%s%s',PF,SFN,'\','*.tif')); % list all jpg files
[ms, ns] = size(tifList); % ms = number of image files found
%% Processing for each tif file:
for j=1:ms
tifFileName = tifList(j,:); % extract name of tif file
%for currentImage1 = 1:ms
IM=imread([PF SFN '\' tifFileName]);
%hold on;
I = imresize(IM,[200,50]);
featureVector = hog_feature_vector(I);
Feat = featureVector';
Feat1 = [Feat1 Feat];
PF_SFN_imgName = sprintf('%s%s%s',PF,SFN,'\',tifFileName)
PF = 'D:\Project\DB\test\'; % Parent Folder
SFL = dir(PF) ;% List the sub folders
[mp1, np] = size(SFL); % compute size = number of subfolders & files & . & ..
csf1=0; % counter of JUST subfolders found in PF
for i=3:mp1
%% keep only folders:
k = strfind(SFL(i).name,'.');
if isempty(strfind(SFL(i).name,'.'))
csf1 = csf1 +1; % one sub folder found
SFN = SFL(i).name ;% extract his name
tifList = ls(sprintf('%s%s%s%s',PF,SFN,'\','*.tif')); % list all jpg files
[ms1, ns] = size(tifList); % ms = number of image files found
%% Processing for each tif file:
for s=1:ms1
tifFileName = tifList(s,:) % extract name of tif file
%for currentImage1 = 1:ms
IMT =imread([PF SFN '\' tifFileName])
IT = imresize(IMT,[200,50]);
featureVector1 = hog_feature_vector(IT);
FeatTest = featureVector1';
Feat2 = [Feat2 FeatTest];
%hold on;
PF_SFN_imgName = sprintf('%s%s%s',PF,SFN,'\',tifFileName)


Jan 2021-3-17
编辑:Jan 2021-3-17
You cannot get multiple errors, because Matlab stops at the first error already. So please post a full copy of the complete message. Then the readers do not have to guess, what the problem is.
A simplification of your code:
Folder = 'D:\Project\DB1\train\';
FileList = dir(fullfile(Folder, '**', '*.tif'));
Feature = cell(1, numel(FileList)); % Pre-allocation
for iFile = 1:numel(FileList)
File = fullfile(FileList(iFile).folder, FileList(iFile).name);
Img = imread(File);
Img = imresize(Img, [200, 50]);
Feature{iFile} = hog_feature_vector(Img).'; % [EDITED] Transpose added
% Maybe:
Feat1 = cat(1, Feature{:}); % Or cat(2, ...) ?!
save('featurs_T.mat', 'Feat1');
Parsing the output of LS is far too complicated. There is no guarantee, that "." and ".." are the 1st two outputs of the DIR command.
  7 个评论
Jan 2021-3-18
Then Feat2 needs 4.11 GB of RAM. This must be available in a contiguous block.
Storing such a huge data set in one block is not useful. What about storing the data in a binary file?
FID = fopen(FileName, 'w');
if FID == -1, error('Cannot open file for writing: %s', FileName); end
for k = 1:numel(Feature2)
fwrite(FID, Feature2{k}, 'double');
Maybe it is a good idea to store some data on the top of the file, e.g. the dimensions of the array.
But if you want to load the data, you still need 4.11GB of free RAM.


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