how to convert a .txt file into a .xls file in matlab?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I suspect that I can actually read the log file data directly into Matlab without conversion. It is just a comma separated variable format(.csv), I believe, and I think it should be accessible to some Matlab input routine.
However,I dont not know the matlab input routine; It would be very helpful if someone can enlighten me on the input routine
thanks in advance, Cordelle

回答(3 个)

Jan 2013-6-18
This is not enough information to give a more explicit answer than:
  • Import the file by e.g. importdata or fopen / fscanf.
  • Export the data by xlswrite.
I suggest to add mire details, e.g. the file's contents by editing the original question (not as comment or answer).
  2 个评论
Cordelle 2013-6-18
编辑:Cordelle 2013-6-18
When I imported the file using importdata this occured:
data: 3
textdata: {863x4 cell}
what does this mean? and how can I convert the imported file into an excel file?
Iain 2013-6-18
编辑:Iain 2013-6-18
That means that data is a structure containg the field "textdata", and that "textdata" contains a cell array (each element of a cell array can be a different type of number, string, or even another array).


Shashank Prasanna
Shashank Prasanna 2013-6-18
That means its a cell in a structure.
You can access data from structures:
and use
If you need editing in between you should do that.
If you are unfamiliar with cell and structures at all in MATLAB, I point you to
  3 个评论
Jan 2013-6-18
Please do not post explanations like "I used the "Load" input routine", but the corresponding code. This will reduce misunderstandings. Thanks.


Harish TV
Harish TV 2017-3-17
clear; clear all; fileip='filename.csv'; g=char(fileip); g=g(1:end-4) fileop=horzcat(g,'.xlsx') g=fileip(1:end-4); [~,~,F]=xlsread(fileip); F=cellstr(F); %delete the header rows (4 rows) F([1:4],:)=[]; for a=1:size(F,1); b=F(a,1); c=char(b); D(a,:)=strsplit(c,','); end xlswrite(fileop,D); disp(['--------------Process complete---------------------']);
  1 个评论
Guillaume 2017-3-17
There's a {}Format button to format code as such. That would make your post more readable.
g = char(fileip);
is a no-op. fileip is already char. In any case,
[path, basename] = fileparts(fileip);
fileop = fullfile(path, [basename, '.xlsx']);
would be a lot simple and safer.
F = cellstr(F);
is also a no-op. F is already a cell array. Same for
c = char(b); %b is already char.
In any case, the code is not going to work. It only writes the first column of the csv file. (hint: xlsread already does the splitting at the comma)


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