How to change the y-axis values to start at 0 and not become negative?

35 次查看(过去 30 天)
How can i make it so that my plot starts at 0 and doesn't go below 0 into the negative numbers, also I'd like to use a range from 0 to 1.7 on my y-axis but am unable to. Thank you!
close all;
clear all;
% Importing video from files
vid = VideoReader('portfolio3/Tennis1.mp4');
% Converting the video into frames
frames = read(vid);
% Finding the size and length of the video
si = size(frames)
% % Creating a vector to store positions of the vector
posVec = [];
%% Cropping and greying the video for facile processing
% for all frames
for i = 1 : si(4)
% Cropping frame by frame
CroppedFrame = imcrop(frames(:,:,:,i),[120 90 450 1000]);
% Coverting to grey
CroppedFrame = rgb2gray(CroppedFrame);
% Binarising
CroppedFrame = im2bw(CroppedFrame,0.7);
% Removing flexes
CroppedFrame = imopen(CroppedFrame,strel('disk',3));
% Tracking the ball in the video
[pos,rad] = imfindcircles(CroppedFrame,[13 100]);
% Adding the current position to the position vector
posVec = [posVec; pos];
pbaspect([1000 1000 1000])
hold on;
title('Bouncing Ball Trajectory')
xlabel('Horizontal Displacement')
ylabel('Vertical Displacement')
This is what I am getting so far


Jan 2021-4-29
It is not clear, what you are asking for.
You can limit the Y axis by:
ylim([0, 1.7])
This would crop almost all points from the diagram.
Maybe you want to scale the data instead. Where do the constants in this expression come from:
% ^^ ^^^ ?
What about:
posVec = -posVec;
posVec = posVec - min(posVec); % Starting at 0
posVec = 1.7 * posVec / max(posVec); % maximum value scaled to 1.7
  1 个评论
Muhammad Choudhury
Muhammad Choudhury 2021-4-29
编辑:Muhammad Choudhury 2021-4-29
Apologies the constants were not changed from a previous video i processed, essentially what I wanted to do was begin at at 1.7 on my y-axis and begin end at 1 on my x-axis but couldn't get it to work. This is what I tried using next:
For the last code you provided I am getting an error saying:
"Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1).
Error in Tennis (line 50)
I'm not quite sure what to do here.


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