Getting an "Deactivation not required" when trying to deactivate.

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I installed a trial version of Matlab on my laptop (windows 8) and activated it.
I also installed a linux version of Matlab on a virtual machine. I now want to deactivate the windows version and instead activate the linux version.
However, I can't seem to deactivate the windows version of Matlab since the activation button says "Deactivation not required".
How can I deactivate my installation on windows and instead activate the installation on linux?
Thanks in advance,

回答(1 个)

Jan 2013-7-15
You do not need to deactivate a trial version. It is deactivated after the trial period automatically. Therefore I'm convinced, that you can activate the Linux trial version directly. If you get any problems, ask the technical support.


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