Predicting PT1 output data with Kalman Filter without knowing K and T of the PT1

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I implemented Kalman Filter to predict some measurement data.
Measurement data was created by feeding a step function with various steps through a PT1. Then I put some random noise on the PT1 output data to simulate measurement noise.
The prediction was made based on the step input and the state space PT1 model. I provided initial values for T_k and K_k (index indicated that those are parameters used in the Kalman Filter) for the PT1 model in the Kalman Filter.
Whenever I change T and K of the original PT1 system and the initial T_k and K_k differ from those, the output of the Kalman Filter is not able to predict the model properly anymore and the model difference can only be "repaired" by adjusting T_k and K_k manually to the actual T and K, which will not be known in future usages.
The code below shows the Kalman Filter applied:
% u: step input vector
% t: time vector
% F: prediciton matrix
% B: control matrix
% P: Covariance of the states, here P = 1
% H: sensor matrix, here H = 1
% R: Sensor noise, here R = 1
% z: sensor mean, here z = 0
% x(1) is initialized with the first measurment point of the noisy PT1 data
for k = 1:length(u)-1
dt = t(k+1)-t(k); % t: time vector
F = (T_K/dt)/(1+T_K/dt);
B = K_K/(1+T_K/dt);
x(k+1) = F*x(k)+B*u(k+1); % State prediction, here: state space representation of PT1
P = F*P*F'; % Covariance prediction
Kal = P*H'*(H*P*H'+R)^(-1); % Kalman Gain
x(k+1) = x(k+1)+Kal*(z-H*x(k+1)); % State correction
P = P - Kal*H*P; % Covariance Correction
How can I alter my Kalman Filter to be able to make a proper prediciton of my PT1 without knowing the real T and K?

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