Listbox content from structure hierarchy (GUIDE)

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a listbox in which one I would like to set as content the subfield names of a structure.
Example: 'Database' is the structure which have inside the fieldnames Car, Bus and Motorbike. These fieldnames are 1x1 struct (e.g Database.Car) and are used as subfields.
Then I want to create a listbox which contains the subfields and mantain this listbox updated since different subfields will be added.
Thanks in advance,


Jan 2013-7-31
Here "Car" etc are the "fields", not the "subfields" (which would mean something like: DataBase.Vehicle.Car).
DataBase.Car = 1;
DataBase.Bus = 2;
DataBase.Motorbike = 3;
List = fieldnames(DataBase);
uicontrol('Style', 'listbox', 'String', List);
Keeping the listbox "updated" when the struct is changed, is very complicated. You need an object oriented approach to start a callback, when the data are changed. But you can fake it by not adding further fields manually, but when you use a dedicated function for this:
function S = myAddField(S, Field, Data)
S.(Field) = Data;
updateGui(S); % <-- Implementation depends on your GUI
  3 个评论
Manuel 2013-8-6
@Jan, Hello Jan, I have still some problems with the listbox probably I misunderstund some concepts. As you told me before to show the fieldnames in the listbox content we need the next code:
List = fieldnames(DataBase);
uicontrol('Style', 'listbox', 'String', List);
but the 'uicontrol' command above should be located on the listbox_CreateFcn function? :
function listbox_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
or it is an independent way to set the listbox content? Because I tried in the listbox_CreateFcn and does not work.
Thank you for your time,
Manuel 2013-8-7
Problem solve, can be done inside the 'CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)' function as:
List = fieldnames(Database);


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