Column width in uitable

22 次查看(过去 30 天)
john 2013-9-12
if I press button, then new figure appears with uitable. Column width is always the same. How can I change column width? Or if I change column width manually by mouse and then I press button, then I wont to have width from mouse.
Thank you
Me code:
t = uitable('Parent',f,'Data',result,'Position',[10 10 630 400],'ColumnWidth','auto','RowName',rnames,'Columneditable',coleditable,'ColumnFormat',{'char', 'char', 'char', 'char', 'char', 'char'});

回答(1 个)

Jan 2013-9-12
I'm not sure if I understand your question.
You can change the columnwidth by not setting it to 'auto' but manually by a cell, which contains the width values. See
You cannot obtain the changed width values as far as I know.
  11 个评论
john 2013-9-18
Hi, sorry.
I mean length of the string in cell when it is written to the screen.
I use to show something in table this code:
T = regexprep(cellstr(char(sym(UserData.matrix{4+i,1}))), '([A-Za-z]+)(\d+)', '$1<FONT SIZE=-1>$2</FONT>');
T = regexprep(T, '(Alpha|Beta|Gamma|thetasym|piv|Delta|Epsilon|Zeta|Eta|Theta|Iota|Kappa|Lambda|Mu|Nu|Xi|Omicron|Pi|Rho|Sigmaf|Sigma|Tau|Upsilon|Phi|Chi|Psi|Omega|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|zeta|eta|theta|iota|kappa|lambda|mu|nu|xi|omicron|pi|rho|sigmaf|sigma|tau|upsilon|phi|chi|psi|omega|upsih|lsquo|rsquo|sbquo|ldquo|rdquo|bdquo|dagger|Dagger|bull|hellip|permil|prime|Prime|lsaquo|rsaquo|oline|euro|trade|larr|uarr|rarr|darr|harr|crarr|loz|spades|clubs|hearts|diams|forall|part|exist|empty|nabla|isin|notin|ni|prod|sum|minus|lowast|prop|infin|ang|and|or|cap|cup|int|sim|cong|asymp|ne|equiv|le|ge|sube|supe|sub|sup|nsub|oplus|otimes|perp|sdot)', '&$1;');
And to obtain max length of string in one column I use this:
And result is for any example 93, because href = "HTML>I<SUB">HTML>I<SUB</a<FONT SIZE=-1>0</FONT></SUB>sin(ωt+φI<SUB><FONT SIZE=-1>0</FONT></SUB>)
In uitable there appears not &omega and &phi but omega and phi like greek letter, and not HTML>I<SUB<FONT SIZE=-1>0</FONT></SUB> but Io.
john 2013-9-23
Can any body help me?



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