How to convert images as array to images and save them in folder

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear All,
I have worked on project and I got my results which are as one array or matrics when I plot them I can see them as shown in figure,
How can I built them as sparated images and save them in a folder
Could you please help with that,
Thank you

回答(2 个)

KSSV 2021-7-21
  2 个评论
Laith Alzubaidi
Laith Alzubaidi 2021-7-21
Thank you for your answer
I have used 'imwitte' but it saved one image of all images as shown in figure.
I'm looking for saving each image in figure as a spaerated image and same for other. The folder of images should have 25 images that showed in figure. BTW, all 25 images save as one matrics.
KSSV 2021-7-21
I gave you a link to refer on how to split your images into sub images.


Jonas 2021-7-21
编辑:Jonas 2021-7-21
for a matrix A with ynum images in y direction and xnum images in x direction with size height x width you can use
C = mat2cell(A,repelem(height,ynum),repelem(width,xnum));
this divides A into a bunch of cell arrays. you can then use cellfun or a ordinary double for loop with your own custom function to save each cell entry
alternatively you can use the function blockproc, to which you can give the block size (subimage size) and a custom function to save the subimages


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