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on 6 Nov 2023
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Write your drawframe function below
function drawframe(frame)
%Disclaimer: Title, description and code is fully generated by ChatGPT 4:
% This function, created by ChatGPT, generates an animation of a bouncing ball inside a box.
% The ball's position is updated frame by frame, creating the illusion of motion.
% When the ball hits a wall, it bounces off by reversing its direction.
% In addition to the bouncing effect, the ball changes its color at each frame,
% cycling through a range of colors from the MATLAB 'jet' colormap.
% The animation is created without the use of global variables or file I/O.
% Instead, it utilizes MATLAB's persistent variables to maintain the state of the ball across function calls.
% The code is compact and efficient, showcasing the power of AI in generating creative solutions.
% Define persistent variables for position and direction
persistent position direction
% Initialize position and direction
if isempty(position) && isempty(direction)
position = [5 5];
direction = [0.2 0.3]; % Increased speed
% Define the figure and axis
clf; axis([0 10 0 10]); axis off; hold on;
% Calculate the new position of the ball
position = position + direction;
% Check if the ball hits the edge of the plot and change its direction
if any(position > 10) || any(position < 0)
direction = -direction .* (position > 10 | position < 0);
position = position + 2*direction; % correct position that's out of bounds
% Define the colors for the ball
colors = jet(48);
% Plot the ball with the new position and color
plot(position(1), position(2), 'o', 'MarkerSize', 50, 'Color', colors(frame,:));
% Update the figure
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