Control System Analysis GUI

版本 1.1 (10.3 KB) 作者: Jitendra Mishra
Easy way to get Time and Frequency Response of any open loop or closed loop system.
709.0 次下载
更新时间 2015/3/21


% GUI plot different Frequency and Time Response of Open Loop or Closed
% loop System.
% You have two to analysis System Response
% (1) by using ZerosPoles Option or
% (2) by using Forward Loop Transfer Function
% (1) ZerosPoles Option
% Enter the Gain of system, and Poles and Zeros of it, then select response
% from the frequency time response panel and click on show button.
% 10*(s + 5)
% example :- for G(s) = ------------------
% s^2 + 4*s + 6
% Gain(k) = 10
% Zeros = [-5]
% Poles = [-2+1.414i -2-1.414i]
% 10
% for such system G(s) = ------------------
% s^2 + 4*s + 6
% Gain(k) = 10
% Zeros = []
% Poles = [-2+1.414i -2-1.414i]
% (2) by using Forward Loop Transfer Function
% Enter Gain, Numberator and Denominator function in edit box
% 10*(s + 5)
% example :- for G(s) = ------------------
% s^2 + 4*s + 6
% Gain(K) = 10
% Numberator = [1 5]
% Denominator = [1 4 6]
% Select the plot from Frequency and time Response Panel
% Then click Draw
% grid on by default
% Create by :- Jitendra Mishra
% Email :-
% Date :- 21 Mar 2015


Jitendra Mishra (2024). Control System Analysis GUI (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2012a
Windows macOS Linux

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版本 已发布 发行说明

New Input method is add in GUI, Zeros & Poles, Simply Enter Zeros and Pole Location Of System And Get There Response.