Karplus strong algorithm for echo production in audio

版本 1.0.0 (1.7 KB) 作者: Qaiser khan Bozdar
KS function is the Karplus Strong algorithm loop which produces echo in an audio signal.
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更新时间 2021/9/22


KS function is the Karplus-Strong algorithm loop.
KS difference equation derived from Moving average. y[n]=x[n]+ay[n-M].
The Karplus-Strong algorithm is a simple digital feedback loop with an internal buffer of M samples. The buffer is filled with a set of initial values (signal) and the loop, when running, produces an arbitraryly long output signal (iterative echo of sound). It is a simple recursive (starts where it ends) algorithm drived from moving average filter. It is extensively used as sound synthesizer.
The diagram given in the icon image is the functional circuit for Karplus strong algorithm.


Qaiser khan Bozdar (2024). Karplus strong algorithm for echo production in audio (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/99694-karplus-strong-algorithm-for-echo-production-in-audio), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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