How do you get up to first n characters in a string?
A simple approach using extractBetween - s_arr = ["a";"ab";"abc";"abcd";"abcde";"abcdef";"xyzxyzxyz"] pos = 4; % pos = no. o...

8 months 前 | 3

How to set both yticks(left and right) in decimal values not exponential or scientific??
Use get on the axes handle to see its structure - You will find that the YAxis is stored as 2x1 Numeric Ruler (1 for each side)....

8 months 前 | 0

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index problem while sort
"ind=[2,1] is coming which is wrong." It is correct. The input to sort() only has 2 elements, so the expectation to get [3 1]...

8 months 前 | 1

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how to delete multiple cells at once?
First, concatenate the data to get it in a numeric array. See - horzcat As you are dealing with floating point numbers, compare...

8 months 前 | 0

Filtering the common rows between two matrices
Try this - A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]; B = [1 2 3 90; 3 1 2 88; 4 5 6 17; 6 5 4 19; 7 8 9 12; 15 18 22 20]; %sort each ro...

8 months 前 | 0

Syntax problem in creating a function which takes a vector as an argument
Use element-wise power - power, .^ and define the expression as an anonymous function - r_1 = 0.84 - 0.29i; r_2 = 0.84 + 0.29i...

8 months 前 | 0

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How to apply for loop in case of product of function inside double summation?
That is simply the sum of product of pairs in the given index range for a and b, thus P can be defined like this - P = 1-sum((...

8 months 前 | 0

partfrac() function returning same expression
It gives the same expression as the output because the denominator can not be decomposed with the default factor format i.e. 'ra...

8 months 前 | 1

Trying to extract the rows from a matrix where the values from the first two columns match the values from another matrix
%Sample data for example y1 = magic(5) y2 = y1; y2(randi(25,1,5)) = 0 %Comparison idx = all(y1(:,1:2)==y2(:,1:2), 2) out =...

8 months 前 | 0

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Calculate double integrate of sin
You can simplify the expression obtained - syms theta rho n f = sin(rho)^(n + 2)*sin(theta)^(n + 1); I1 = int(f,rho,0,pi);...

8 months 前 | 0

Upsampling a matrix with zero elements
%input x = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8] %Upsample factor n=2; %preallocate the output matrix y = zeros(n*size(x)); %assign valu...

8 months 前 | 1

Execution of script rainflow as a function is not supported, then gives the path of the rainflow.m file.
Follow instructions from this documentation page to add the directory you have mentioned to the search path of MATLAB and save i...

8 months 前 | 0

How to split array into sub arrays?
a = [1 3 5 8 11 12 15 17 18 19 20 21 24 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 69].'; %bin the data into groups of 10 k = findgroups(flo...

8 months 前 | 0

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Execution of script Faddeeva_w as a function is not supported:
You have defined the file "Faddeeva_w " as a script. But you are trying to call it as a function i.e. by providing an input (as...

8 months 前 | 0

incorrect reading of a txt file
I am not sure what the expected output is supposed to be, but you can use readtable - in = readtable('test.txt','DecimalSepara...

8 months 前 | 0

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Problems using plot3
As I have mentioned earlier in my answer to one of your questions, do not use the deprecated xlsread function. Utilize the ro...

8 months 前 | 0

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Find common rows between two matrices with different number of columns
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]; B = [1 3 20 2; 1 2 3 55; 7 8 9 10; 88 2 1 5]; %Indices of rows in B idx = 1:size(B,1); for k=...

8 months 前 | 1

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Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1.
You have not defined "t" and many other variables as input to the function "Reduced_Degree_model". You have defined "tspan" and...

8 months 前 | 0

From what MATLAB version can max() return linear indices?
From the official documentation, R2019a was the version when this syntax was first introduced - https://in.mathworks.com/help/re...

8 months 前 | 1

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How can I get three plots from a struct array which is split by three categories?
Use a for loop to go through each unique category and utilize logical indexing to obtain and plot the corresponding data. Refer...

8 months 前 | 1

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What is this error and how do I fix it?
Most likely the function "calculate_residuals" is not in the current directory. Type "cd" in the command window to get the curr...

8 months 前 | 0

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Islocalmin/max on an Animated Plot and Indices Problem
The syntax of islocalmax (and islocalmin) is different than that of findpeaks. Check the documentation for the appropriate synt...

8 months 前 | 2

Bei der Installation kann das Passwort nicht eingegeben werden.
These might help you - https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1456459-can-t-enter-text-when-installing-r2021a-on-ubunt...

8 months 前 | 2

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Roots of a 4th degree polynomial and plotting a graph
Define the polynomial as a Function Handle of the variable 'k' and use roots for different values of 'k'. Yes, you can plot t...

8 months 前 | 0

Can I customize the display format?
"Is there any way to customize the display format in the command window beyond the exisisting options for format?" No. Thoug...

8 months 前 | 0

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A question about list folder contents with dir
This notation is used in filesystems (and anywhere they are implemented/used) - . refers to the current directory/folder. .. ...

8 months 前 | 0

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Simplifying for-find loop functions to speed up processing
I assume r, c and v have the same number of rows - %Check which rows from the given range in mD have more than 3 values greate...

8 months 前 | 1

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Can someone helps me to solve the error in this code?
There are missing operators at many places in your code, e.g. - % vv vv ia = (10^-7)(exp(-(Eexc/R)((1/T...

8 months 前 | 0

Stop Matlab from reopening sessions
Yes, follow these steps - HOME -> Preferences -> Editor/Debugger -> Opening files in editor In that section, Untick the option ...

8 months 前 | 0

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Warning: Escaped character '\U' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. Warning: Error updating ConstantLine. Execution of script mean as a functi
Given the warning message - I suspect that you have a overloaded the mean() function by naming a user-defined script as mean. ...

8 months 前 | 1
