
Bård Skaflestad


Last seen: 11 months 前 自 2011 起处于活动状态

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Determine whether a vector is monotonically increasing
Return true if the elements of the input vector increase monotonically (i.e. each element is larger than the previous). Return f...

4 years 前


Area of an equilateral triangle
Calculate the area of an equilateral triangle of side x. <<

8 years 前


Return the first and last character of a string
Return the first and last character of a string, concatenated together. If there is only one character in the string, the functi...

8 years 前


Multielement indexing of a row array
The row array birthRateChina stores the China birth rate (per 1000 people) for years 2000 to 2012. Write a statement that create...

8 years 前


Check if sorted
Check if sorted. Example: Input x = [1 2 0] Output y is 0

8 years 前


Finding Perfect Squares
Given a vector of numbers, return true if one of the numbers is a square of one of the other numbers. Otherwise return false. E...

8 years 前


Which values occur exactly three times?
Return a list of all values (sorted smallest to largest) that appear exactly three times in the input vector x. So if x = [1 2...

8 years 前


Circle area using pi
Given a circle's radius, compute the circle's area. Use the built-in mathematical constant pi.

8 years 前


Reverse the vector
Reverse the vector elements. Example: Input x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] Output y = [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]

8 years 前


Weighted average
Given two lists of numbers, determine the weighted average. Example [1 2 3] and [10 15 20] should result in 33.333...

8 years 前


Determine if input is odd
Given the input n, return true if n is odd or false if n is even.

8 years 前


Make the vector [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
In MATLAB, you create a vector by enclosing the elements in square brackets like so: x = [1 2 3 4] Commas are optional, s...

8 years 前


Check if number exists in vector
Return 1 if number _a_ exists in vector _b_ otherwise return 0. a = 3; b = [1,2,4]; Returns 0. a = 3; b = [1,...

9 years 前


Reverse Run-Length Encoder
Given a "counting sequence" vector x, construct the original sequence y. A counting sequence is formed by "counting" the entrie...

9 years 前


Find the sum of the elements in the "second" diagonal
Find the sum of the elements in the diagonal that starts at the top-right corner and ends at the bottom-left corner.

9 years 前


Back to basics 6 - Column Vector
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given an input vector, output true or false whether it is a colu...

9 years 前


Sum of diagonal of a square matrix
If x = [1 2 4; 3 4 5; 5 6 7] then y should be the sum of the diagonals of the matrix y = 1 + 4 + 7 = 12

9 years 前


Make one big string out of two smaller strings
If you have two small strings, like 'a' and 'b', return them put together like 'ab'. 'a' and 'b' => 'ab' For extra ...

9 years 前


Arrange Vector in descending order
If x=[0,3,4,2,1] then y=[4,3,2,1,0]

9 years 前


Swap the input arguments
Write a two-input, two-output function that swaps its two input arguments. For example: [q,r] = swap(5,10) returns q = ...

9 years 前


Swap the first and last columns
Flip the outermost columns of matrix A, so that the first column becomes the last and the last column becomes the first. All oth...

9 years 前


Given a circular pizza with radius _z_ and thickness _a_, return the pizza's volume. [ _z_ is first input argument.] Non-scor...

9 years 前


Add two numbers
Given a and b, return the sum a+b in c.

9 years 前


Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector
Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector x. Examples: Input x = [1 2 3 5] Output y is 11 Input x ...

9 years 前


Make a checkerboard matrix
Given an integer n, make an n-by-n matrix made up of alternating ones and zeros as shown below. The a(1,1) should be 1. Example...

9 years 前


Determine if a Given Number is a Triangle Number
*Description:* Determine if the elements of an input array are triangle numbers and return the result as an array with the sa...

13 years 前


Too mean-spirited
Find the mean of each consecutive pair of numbers in the input row vector. For example, x=[1 2 3] ----> y = [1.5 2.5] x=[1...

13 years 前


So many choices
For inputs _n_ and _k_ (in that order), output the number of ways that k objects can be chosen from amongst n distinct objects. ...

13 years 前


Filter values in a vector
Cody often benefits from a functional style of programming. For example, your score is often better when you compose multiple fu...

13 years 前


Program an exclusive OR operation with logical operators
Program an exclusive or operation *without* using the MATLAB function xor. Use logical operators like |, &, ~, ... instead. ...

13 years 前
