Write a function called max_sum that takes v, a row vector of numbers, and n, a positive integer as inputs. The function needs to find the n consecutive elements of v whose sum is the largest possible.
function [summa , index]=max_sum(v,n) summa=sum(v(v<0)); for ii=1:(length(v)-(n-1)) t=0; for jj=ii:(...
Write a function called max_sum that takes v, a row vector of numbers, and n, a positive integer as inputs. The function needs to find the n consecutive elements of v whose sum is the largest possible.
function [summa , index]=max_sum(v,n) summa=sum(v(v<0)); for ii=1:(length(v)-(n-1)) t=0; for jj=ii:(...
5 years 前 | 0
text file I/O
function charnum = char_counter(fname,character) fid = fopen(fname,'rt'); charnum = 0; if fid < 0 || ~ischar(character) ...
text file I/O
function charnum = char_counter(fname,character) fid = fopen(fname,'rt'); charnum = 0; if fid < 0 || ~ischar(character) ...
5 years 前 | 0
Write a function called get_distance that accepts two character vector inputs representing the names of two cities. The function returns the distance between them as an output argument called distance. For example, the call get_distance('Seattle, WA'
function distance=get_distance(c1,c2) [num txt raw]=xlsread("Distances.xlsx"); a=0;b=0; for ii=2:337 if strcmp(txt{1,ii}...
Write a function called get_distance that accepts two character vector inputs representing the names of two cities. The function returns the distance between them as an output argument called distance. For example, the call get_distance('Seattle, WA'
function distance=get_distance(c1,c2) [num txt raw]=xlsread("Distances.xlsx"); a=0;b=0; for ii=2:337 if strcmp(txt{1,ii}...
5 years 前 | 0