Ilham Hardy
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Simulink simulation slows down drastically after first run following reboot
Since you run the model in Rapid Accelerator mode, have you tried deleting the slprj and _yourmodelname_.mexw64?
Simulink simulation slows down drastically after first run following reboot
Since you run the model in Rapid Accelerator mode, have you tried deleting the slprj and _yourmodelname_.mexw64?
7 years 前 | 0
load mat table to gui table
If you are asking how to get the value of row 1 column 2 of your data2 cell, try no_plat = data2{1,2}; % get row 1 column 2...
load mat table to gui table
If you are asking how to get the value of row 1 column 2 of your data2 cell, try no_plat = data2{1,2}; % get row 1 column 2...
7 years 前 | 0
What is the BlockType name for Lookup Tables?
Have you tried with: blks = find_system(Search_Path,'BlockType','Lookup_n-D');
What is the BlockType name for Lookup Tables?
Have you tried with: blks = find_system(Search_Path,'BlockType','Lookup_n-D');
8 years 前 | 1
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Matlab - How to make graphs with different limits match using plotyy
Something like this? (not completely sure about the reverse part, though) date= [714262 724124 731733 734732 736209]; ...
Matlab - How to make graphs with different limits match using plotyy
Something like this? (not completely sure about the reverse part, though) date= [714262 724124 731733 734732 736209]; ...
9 years 前 | 0
Comparing value in m x n matrices to find its index
Something like this? thresholdVAR = 3:0.5:7; GtrecMRCG2= [ 5 8 9 6 2 5 2 4 6 3 8 9 11]; % preallocate DesMat =...
Comparing value in m x n matrices to find its index
Something like this? thresholdVAR = 3:0.5:7; GtrecMRCG2= [ 5 8 9 6 2 5 2 4 6 3 8 9 11]; % preallocate DesMat =...
9 years 前 | 0
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Follow up questions to original.
After you create your plot, create your own x-axis (or y-axis) label using xticklabel e.g. plot(1:4) grid on ...
Follow up questions to original.
After you create your plot, create your own x-axis (or y-axis) label using xticklabel e.g. plot(1:4) grid on ...
9 years 前 | 0
wait for plot to finish
Hi, Perhaps you will need this? <http://nl.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/waitfor.html waitfor()>
wait for plot to finish
Hi, Perhaps you will need this? <http://nl.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/waitfor.html waitfor()>
9 years 前 | 0
How do i get Char into Double
Maybe this will help? <http://nl.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/str2num.html str2num>
How do i get Char into Double
Maybe this will help? <http://nl.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/str2num.html str2num>
9 years 前 | 0
How to plot one data set with two y axes?
% pb = 120; % cost of battery per kWh OfyStor = linspace(5,100,45); % percentage of the annual demand covered by the Cap...
How to plot one data set with two y axes?
% pb = 120; % cost of battery per kWh OfyStor = linspace(5,100,45); % percentage of the annual demand covered by the Cap...
9 years 前 | 0
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Making Matrix Dimensions Equal
A = ones(5130,2); B = ones(2150,2); BA = vertcat(B,zeros(abs(length(A)-length(B)),2)); How come that this does no...
Making Matrix Dimensions Equal
A = ones(5130,2); B = ones(2150,2); BA = vertcat(B,zeros(abs(length(A)-length(B)),2)); How come that this does no...
9 years 前 | 0
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How can I access the variables in base workspace in GUI?
This might work, evalin('base','temp = who(''signal_*'',''base'');assignin(''caller'',''all_signals'',temp)'); Hope tha...
How can I access the variables in base workspace in GUI?
This might work, evalin('base','temp = who(''signal_*'',''base'');assignin(''caller'',''all_signals'',temp)'); Hope tha...
9 years 前 | 0
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Can i edit subplot?
You can use the script from the File Exchange for this.. <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/27991-tight-sub...
Can i edit subplot?
You can use the script from the File Exchange for this.. <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/27991-tight-sub...
9 years 前 | 0
single plot, dft graph?
Perhaps this is what you want, xdat = 0:5:120; ydat = [62,57,56,55,57,56,58,62,62,63,61,61,62,62,62,61,60,60,60,61,65,68...
single plot, dft graph?
Perhaps this is what you want, xdat = 0:5:120; ydat = [62,57,56,55,57,56,58,62,62,63,61,61,62,62,62,61,60,60,60,61,65,68...
9 years 前 | 0
How to gather code
Use double percentage signs %% to create a section on your code..
How to gather code
Use double percentage signs %% to create a section on your code..
9 years 前 | 0
What methods do you use to bring the variable data from an external program or function into a guide GUI function file?
# Load required parameter into Matlab (base) workspace # Use <http://nl.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/evalin.html evalin()> to ...
What methods do you use to bring the variable data from an external program or function into a guide GUI function file?
# Load required parameter into Matlab (base) workspace # Use <http://nl.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/evalin.html evalin()> to ...
9 years 前 | 0
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Change column and row
There are built-in matlab functions for this.. <http://nl.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/flipud.html flipud()> <http://nl.mat...
Change column and row
There are built-in matlab functions for this.. <http://nl.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/flipud.html flipud()> <http://nl.mat...
9 years 前 | 0
Editing default simulink libraries
Is that even possible/allowed? What I usually do is using script to give the model "make-over" by using <http://nl.mathworks...
Editing default simulink libraries
Is that even possible/allowed? What I usually do is using script to give the model "make-over" by using <http://nl.mathworks...
9 years 前 | 0
Obtain variable from running simulation
You may want to check this out.. <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26999125/plotting-inside-matlab-function-block-for-real-...
Obtain variable from running simulation
You may want to check this out.. <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26999125/plotting-inside-matlab-function-block-for-real-...
9 years 前 | 0
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how to interface m file and simulink model?
Do you have this simulink model 'new_project.mdl' in your current/active folder?
how to interface m file and simulink model?
Do you have this simulink model 'new_project.mdl' in your current/active folder?
9 years 前 | 0
how to start xlim from 2 rather than 1
What do you mean by _continue with 3 4 5 6 ... 333_? Perhaps something like this? set(gca,'xlim',[2 33]);
how to start xlim from 2 rather than 1
What do you mean by _continue with 3 4 5 6 ... 333_? Perhaps something like this? set(gca,'xlim',[2 33]);
9 years 前 | 0
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Help with cell if statement
Perhaps something like this? if strcmpi(Gas_driven{n},'Air') == 1 R = 286.9; elseif strcmpi(Gas_driven{n},'A...
Help with cell if statement
Perhaps something like this? if strcmpi(Gas_driven{n},'Air') == 1 R = 286.9; elseif strcmpi(Gas_driven{n},'A...
9 years 前 | 1
Question about finding y value for certain x value of a plot
If you have your plot data, desiredY = interp1(yourXaxisdata,yourYaxisdata,certainX);
Question about finding y value for certain x value of a plot
If you have your plot data, desiredY = interp1(yourXaxisdata,yourYaxisdata,certainX);
9 years 前 | 8
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How to display y=0 in figure
r=[0.1:0.1:10]; y = zeros(length(r),1); epsilo=0.008909; sigma=3.326; E=4*0.008909*(sigma^12./r.^12-si...
How to display y=0 in figure
r=[0.1:0.1:10]; y = zeros(length(r),1); epsilo=0.008909; sigma=3.326; E=4*0.008909*(sigma^12./r.^12-si...
9 years 前 | 0
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Export Simulink data to Excel during simulation
As far as I know, during the simulation the current simulation data (e.g. ToWorkspace) are _sort of_ not accessible. if you want...
Export Simulink data to Excel during simulation
As far as I know, during the simulation the current simulation data (e.g. ToWorkspace) are _sort of_ not accessible. if you want...
9 years 前 | 0
Hello, You need to put _the location_ of the notation as well in the second argument. So, add_block('built-in/Note',[...
Hello, You need to put _the location_ of the notation as well in the second argument. So, add_block('built-in/Note',[...
9 years 前 | 1
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How to split a matrix by a column by whether values are greater or less than a number
A = [5;3;6;1;7;8;2;3;4;8;6;5]; B = [45;25;36;87;45;14;2;31;59;6;47;2]; C = [4;5;8;6;11;14;9;5;1;19;3;10]; matt = [A,B...
How to split a matrix by a column by whether values are greater or less than a number
A = [5;3;6;1;7;8;2;3;4;8;6;5]; B = [45;25;36;87;45;14;2;31;59;6;47;2]; C = [4;5;8;6;11;14;9;5;1;19;3;10]; matt = [A,B...
9 years 前 | 0
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Naming figures with existing filename
Perhaps this might works? figT = ['RGB ' (regexpi(baseFileName, (?<=IMG_)\d+', 'match', 'once'))]; figure('name', figT, ...
Naming figures with existing filename
Perhaps this might works? figT = ['RGB ' (regexpi(baseFileName, (?<=IMG_)\d+', 'match', 'once'))]; figure('name', figT, ...
9 years 前 | 1
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Current system time as a Timestamp
fprintf('This message is sent at time %s\n', datestr(now,'HH:MM:SS.FFF'))
Current system time as a Timestamp
fprintf('This message is sent at time %s\n', datestr(now,'HH:MM:SS.FFF'))
9 years 前 | 3
Split a row into several rows
The error message indicates *the error* very clear. What will be the dimension of the B matrix then? 5x4.9 matrix? Unless y...
Split a row into several rows
The error message indicates *the error* very clear. What will be the dimension of the B matrix then? 5x4.9 matrix? Unless y...
9 years 前 | 1
Plot in figure window appears very small/unreadable in R2015b on Macbook pro Retina.
Plot in figure window appears very small/unreadable in R2015b on Macbook pro Retina.
9 years 前 | 0