Plot two graphs on the same plot in gui and create two axis in the same plot
Hi Voss, I figured out how to do this. I just created two axes one on another, like handles.axes1,handles.axes2. Then you need...
Plot two graphs on the same plot in gui and create two axis in the same plot
Hi Voss, I figured out how to do this. I just created two axes one on another, like handles.axes1,handles.axes2. Then you need...
11 months 前 | 0
| 已接受
Plot two graphs on the same plot in gui and create two axis in the same plot
Hi people. I try to create in gui graph with 2 plots in the same graphs. More than that I want to create two axis which wil...
11 months 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
Open .bin file contains words and floating numbers
Hi people, I have some .bin file and trying to open it but what I got is not what it should be. The file contains words and flo...
1 year 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Solve the integral in the point where the function is singular
Hi people, I need to solve some numerical integral where I have a singular point. Let me explain you what I mean: I have some...
1 year 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
smooth noisy data with spline smoothing
Hi, I have some noisy function. See attached x and y data. I want to smooth this data and then make a derrivative of that data....
1 year 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
"Tricky" collage between 3D and 2D picture. To understand what "tricky" means you need to see the question.
Ok. I did solve it with clamsy way but for now is good enough for me. I'll keep search for the better way maybe later. So what ...
"Tricky" collage between 3D and 2D picture. To understand what "tricky" means you need to see the question.
Ok. I did solve it with clamsy way but for now is good enough for me. I'll keep search for the better way maybe later. So what ...
2 years 前 | 0
"Tricky" collage between 3D and 2D picture. To understand what "tricky" means you need to see the question.
Hi people. I want to collage between 3D picture and 2D "like" picture. I want this 2D picture just follow the 3D picture in par...
2 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
remove periodical like lines from the image
Hi people, I have a question to you. I have this kind of picture: You see kind of horizontal lines through the image. I'd li...
2 years 前 | 3 个回答 | 0
update figure after changing Y axis values
Greetings. I have some issue with updating the figure after my update of the values in Y axis. Let me explain in Figures. Ac...
2 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
wait until picture selection.
Hi people, I have some gui program in matlab. I create some pictures. Then I want to do profile on the pictures. I created push...
3 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Disable arrows in uitoggletool (zoom) in GUI.
I got it. It turned out very easy solution. When I push the zoom I turned OFF the datacursor and when I done with zoom I just tu...
Disable arrows in uitoggletool (zoom) in GUI.
I got it. It turned out very easy solution. When I push the zoom I turned OFF the datacursor and when I done with zoom I just tu...
3 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
Disable arrows in uitoggletool (zoom) in GUI.
Hi people, I did some gui with some 2D intensity picture. When the GUI opens if I click in some place on the picture the cursor...
3 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Can't create second axes in the place of first axes in GUI. is that a bug?
Hi, I try to draw two images one on another, like background image and foreground and then the foreground image make half a tra...
4 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
How can I use (and display) two different colormaps on the same figure?
It works with separate figure but it doesnt in gui. see my thread (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/837288-overla...
How can I use (and display) two different colormaps on the same figure?
It works with separate figure but it doesnt in gui. see my thread (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/837288-overla...
4 years 前 | 1
overlay two images in GUI
Hi, I can't overlay two pictures in gui but I succeed to do this in figure. Take a look at my code when I do in Figure: functi...
4 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
interpolation of intensity pictures with interp2 function.
Hi, I have some intensity picture (see attached matrix in mat file). I have there picture of 40X40 pixels. First I want to resc...
4 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
How to Stitch 25 images with different dynamic range
Hey Bjorn, Not yet. Now I have a problem of different color scales. Do you know how to bring all the pictures to the same range...
How to Stitch 25 images with different dynamic range
Hey Bjorn, Not yet. Now I have a problem of different color scales. Do you know how to bring all the pictures to the same range...
4 years 前 | 0
How to Stitch 25 images with different dynamic range
Bjorn, All I want is to do kind of plane removal of each matrix to get the intensity distribution more homogenical and then to ...
How to Stitch 25 images with different dynamic range
Bjorn, All I want is to do kind of plane removal of each matrix to get the intensity distribution more homogenical and then to ...
4 years 前 | 0
How to Stitch 25 images with different dynamic range
Hi all, Actually the question about how to take care of already stitched picture. I don't have any questions about the stitched...
4 years 前 | 3 个回答 | 0
how to get MTF from PSF
Bjorn, According your suggestion I did MTF = abs(fftshift(fft2(PSF1))) and I got this picture: Now, I know how much my pixe...
how to get MTF from PSF
Bjorn, According your suggestion I did MTF = abs(fftshift(fft2(PSF1))) and I got this picture: Now, I know how much my pixe...
5 years 前 | 0
how to get MTF from PSF
Hi guys, Can you please tell me how can I get MTF from the PSF. PSF is the matrix of 400X400 taken from the camera. Please see ...
5 years 前 | 4 个回答 | 0
improfile_D & getline_D (changed original functions)
improfile works with figure handle only+getline function which enables to remain the draw lines on the figure.
5 years 前 | 2 次下载 |
IMPROFILE in GUI. Problem to apply it to specific figure outside of GUI.
Hi people, I have a problem with improfile function. I did GUI and it creates some image picture outside the GUI. I'd like to a...
5 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
how to restrict datacursormode in gui to be active only in one axis.
Adam, Thank you. I'll try it out. Actually I just thought about just datacursormode off option when I'll do something in anothe...
how to restrict datacursormode in gui to be active only in one axis.
Adam, Thank you. I'll try it out. Actually I just thought about just datacursormode off option when I'll do something in anothe...
5 years 前 | 0
how to restrict datacursormode in gui to be active only in one axis.
Hi people. Hope you are feeling well with all that situation. I did some gui with two axes. In one I present the image and in a...
5 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
Convolution theorem. Fourier transform.
Hey ppl, I have a question about convolution and Fourier transform. I have Final picture and initial picture. I know that the...
10 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
question about directories selection in matlab GUI
Greetz to everybody!!! I have a question to you. I have some directories which I want to select and afterwards to do it somet...
12 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
uncertainty in measuring
this function computes the uncertainty in measurements.
13 years 前 | 1 次下载 |