

University of Southern California

Last seen: Today 自 2012 起处于活动状态

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How to force a (small) gap on axis
Try: axis padded

3 months 前 | 0

Storing data from a for loop into a structure
size(names1) has 2 elements so I think that is the problem: names = cell(1,3); names(1,1) = 'Jim' names(1,2) = 'Bill' na...

3 months 前 | 0

Downsampling array data from counts per minute to counts per hour
if A represents chickensPerMinute then B = A(1:60:end); should downsample to chickensPerHour just by indexing.

5 months 前 | 0

What units does Matlab's function angvel produce?
Documentation asserts that the results are in radians per second.

6 months 前 | 0

undo a command in matlab plotting in 2d
x = 1:10; y = x.^2; b = x.^3; h1 = plot(y); hold on h2 =plot(b); pause(3) set(h1, 'visible','off')

6 months 前 | 0

Exporting Graphs from Matlab App in PNG or JPG
One way to export to png is with the print command: % Export to graphics file savename = 'MyFile'; print(gcf,savename,'-dpn...

6 months 前 | 0

How to stop unwanted rows being added when constructing a matrix in a for loop
mat = zeros(7,7) n = size(mat,1) for i = 1:n mat(i,i) = 6 if i ==7 else mat(i,i+1) = -4 end en...

6 months 前 | 0

deadspace in UIaxes near image
You could try "axis tight".

7 months 前 | 0

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How does indexing work when sorting a matrix?
For matrices, ‘sort’ orders the elements within columns.

7 months 前 | 0

changing the scale on the Y axis
ylim([-1 1]); y_values = [-1:0.2:1]; ha = gca; set(ha, 'ytick', y_values); yticklabels('manual'); yticklabels(y_values);

8 months 前 | 0

Unrecognized function or variable 'del'.
del is a native function: Delete a ROS parameter - MATLAB del ( Try renaming your variable. You also need and "e...

9 months 前 | 0

Oribital elements from ECI to ECEF
There is eci2ecef: Position, velocity, and acceleration vectors in Earth-centered Earth-fixed (ECEF) coordinate system - MATLAB...

10 months 前 | 0

Get UITable Physical Column Width
w = uitable set(w,"ColumnWidth",{10}) g = get(w,'ColumnWidth')

11 months 前 | 0

3D scatter plot: can I make transparent points
You can set the alpha attribute for each marker: [X,Y] = meshgrid(-10:10); Z = ones(21,21) * -2; surf(X,Y,Z) hold on scat...

11 months 前 | 0

description of highlighted code
The first line of the highlighted code means the element of matrix dxdt in row 1 column 1 is equal to the second element of the ...

11 months 前 | 0

how to read and write a gray AVI video file in 16 bit
The command VideoWriter has an attribute called "VideoBitsPerPixel" which is the number of bits per pixel in each output frame.

1 year 前 | 0

Saving a Script from another script
You can write or modify a script from script. I've done it using fopen, fprint, and fclose commands. The example in the docume...

1 year 前 | 0

Why do my legs fall through the ground?
"determined the upper surface of the Earth" The actual terrain height at a point on the Earth is the WGS-84 ellipsoid plus th...

1 year 前 | 0

I was calculated using the Simpson 1/3 rule numerical method, why my running results doesn't appear in the command window?
A semi-colon at the end of a line suppresses display of the result.

1 year 前 | 0

what this equation means 4*L/(2*i-1)?
Yes, Matlab sees "i" as complex. Maybe pick another variable if you are just using scalars.

1 year 前 | 1

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MATLAB is selecting SOFTWARE OPENGL rendering when open matlab as user
You can start Matlab in Linux without OpenGL using: matlab -nosoftwareopengl

1 year 前 | 0

Matlab is not running "MATLAB is selecting SOFTWARE OPENGL rendering"
You can start Matlab in Linux without OpenGL using: matlab -nosoftwareopengl

1 year 前 | 0

Start New Matlab Window From Command Line.
Adrian, Take a look at the "system" command: system('matlab')

12 years 前 | 1

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chop a 1-D vector
z = rand(1000,1); a = size(z) z(1:2) = []; b = size(z)

12 years 前 | 0

legend on subplot
Each subplot is a unique axis. The legend command lets you specify the axis where the legend will be created: "LEGEND(AX,...)...

13 years 前 | 0