

Last seen: 22 days 前 自 2023 起处于活动状态

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how do i use nueral network in simulink?
Hi Alireza, As I see, you have a workspace variable which you want to use in the MATLAB Function block. The error is because th...

27 days 前 | 0

Clusterig points in clusters, separated by a minimum distance
Hi Alexamder, The functionality you are asking for, which involves clustering points with a threshold for a neighborhood search...

29 days 前 | 0

program to display the curve of the function
Hi Adam, I see you are trying to plot the "g" when "t" is lesser than 2, and "y" when "t" is greater than or equal to 2. These...

29 days 前 | 0

how to couple ANN model in to fluent directly?
Hey, UDFs in Fluent are typically written in C, and I see that you want to integrate an ANN model written in MATLAB within thes...

1 month 前 | 0

could you anyone help me how to include sine, cosine and tanh activation function for training the neural network
Hi Jaah, I see you want to use different activation functions instead of reLu. In the case of "tanh", you can use the "tanh l...

1 month 前 | 0

Edge detection and measurement of boundary length
Hi Kalyani, In order to outline and measure a monolayer boundary, you can use the bwboundaries function. The documentation fo...

4 months 前 | 0

Python Matlab engine: How to pass a pandas dataframe to Matlab function?
Hi Stefan, I see you are trying to make a MATLAB table out of a pandas Dataframe object using the MATLAB engine for python. Y...

4 months 前 | 0

Fork into parallel but non-identical threads
Hi Emily, Whenever we need to execute commands in a parallel fashion, we use the "parfor" loop instead of a normal "for" loop i...

5 months 前 | 0

Increasing Neural Network Accuracy
Hi Muamin, As per my understanding, you are getting a 99.5% accuracy, which is a very high accuracy for a neural network model....

5 months 前 | 0

Connect Matlab to PureData?
Hi David, In general whenever we want to do real time communication between two programs/processes, we use UDP or TCP/IP to com...

5 months 前 | 0

Confidence levels for glmfit - glmval or fitglm using the Likelihood Ratio method
Hi Craig, Upon looking up the documentation for the relevant functions which can be used to serve your functionality, I unfortu...

5 months 前 | 0

Grayscale erosion and Grayscale dilation simulink block
Hi Gayathri, It would have been easier for me to help you out with this task if you would've provided a code you are using. But...

5 months 前 | 0

Customizing the code generated from the Classification Learner App
Hi Tintumon, I gather that in the first query, you'd like to find out how to implement Stratified k-fold cross validation. Then...

6 months 前 | 0

How to develop an elastic net model for the data
Hi Aishwarya, I see you are trying to implement an elastic linear model for the data you have attached. Before starting off wit...

6 months 前 | 0

How can i solve this dynamic model problem for a formula car?
Hi Stefano, I see you are running into errors while running the given code. I ran the code on my end, and here are the points ...

7 months 前 | 0

Bayesian Optimization Algorithm_ acquisition function
Hi NN, From your question I gather that you want to know if you can find optimum minimum values for params mentioned in Bayesia...

7 months 前 | 0

Deep Learning Quantizer Function
Hi Burak, I realize that you want to get a MATLAB function out of a deep neural network after quantization, just like you can g...

7 months 前 | 0

How to retain the derivative trace of a dlarray out of dlfeval function
Hi Xiaowen, As you asked in the question, you want to retain the trace in order to perform some tasks like computing higher ord...

8 months 前 | 0

Plotting a custom reinforcement learning environment template
Hi Arjun, I understand you want to plot the "CartPole_Environment" that you have modified at your end. As per what I see in t...

9 months 前 | 0

trainbr returns best network by performance not the best regularized
Hi Jens, As per my understanding of your question, you need an explanation of why the “trainbr” function is not giving the opt...

10 months 前 | 0

Volume Linking USB device into Docker with MATLAB
Hi Amoghcharan, As per my understanding of the question, you want to connect a joystick to a port and use it with MATLAB, but M...

10 months 前 | 0

How to obtain predictor scores from standardized inputs after partial least squares?
Hi Maaz, As per my understanding of the question, you want to fit a new input “x” using the weights generated by your data set...

11 months 前 | 0

Data type: matrix 8 double
Hi Kathe, Responderé a esta pregunta en inglés, ¡lea a continuación! I managed to find that double can be in 1,2,4 and 8 ...

11 months 前 | 0

from monochromatic image to spectrum
Hi SCIUSCIA, As per my understanding of the question, you are using a monochromatic light source to capture images and want to...

11 months 前 | 0

Quick process detection in a video
Hi Seyed, As per my understanding of the question, you want to find out the frames with sparks in them, and the rest of the fra...

11 months 前 | 0

Wavelet Signal Denoiser approximation save
Hi Daejin, As per my understanding of your question, you are trying to save the output of the “wdenoise” function in the form ...

11 months 前 | 0

MRIwrite Mask to NIfTI File
Hi Annabel, As per my understanding of the question, you want to perform some operations on MRI images present with you and wr...

12 months 前 | 0

LSTM open loop testing problem
Hi Gonzalo, As per my understanding of the question, you are facing trouble in updating the model based on the outputs you get...

12 months 前 | 1

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How to create fitnet neural network via deep neural network designer
Hi Sixiong, As per my understanding of the question you are curious why there are different results for the same network gener...

12 months 前 | 0

fit curve and equation with a constant coefficient
Hi Birsen, As per my understanding of the question, the constants a, b and c should have different values along with the coeff...

1 year 前 | 0
