How can I create multiple function handles in a for loop?
"I would like to know the area under the spline... But I guess this is not the most appropiate approach. Any suggestions?" Use ...
19 hours 前 | 0
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How can I use Interp1 here instead of ismembertol?
Fiddling around with indices and ISMEMBERTOL are red-herrings and misdirections from your actual task. Essentially what you are ...
4 days 前 | 0
Problem graphing the % error between a real function and its linearization using contourf in MATLAB
"I think the problem is the way I'm calculating the %Error between those two functions..." That is the problem, because you are...
4 days 前 | 1
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How to use "image" function to view images (JP2, PNG, BMP, etc) with alpha channel?
The accepted answer is incorrect. "When I do "a = imread(filename)" and "image(a)", it gives the following errors..." "The var...
4 days 前 | 2
How to iterate through a cell array to mean each ith column from each matrix within the cell array?
Fake data (I removed the superfluous outer loop): for k = 1:5 C{1,k} = rand(500,26); C{2,k} = rand(500,24); C{3,...
5 days 前 | 1
Not recognising named input argument
The name "is_fbk" is not defined as a named argument. Because by definition named arguments must come last AND all inputs betwe...
5 days 前 | 0
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Reconstruct a compressed vector based on another one with equal space entities
VC = [1,20,-4,23,6,3,7,-23] PC = [2000,2250,2500,2750,3750,4000,4500,4750] PV = PC(1):250:PC(end) VV = nan(1,numel(PV)); VV(...
6 days 前 | 0
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determine if a datetime value is on a different day
"Functions like between and caldiff seem to return a duration" BETWEEN and CALDIFF will not help you. Either use DATESHIFT or t...
7 days 前 | 0
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Number to Scientific Prefix
Convert a numeric value to SI-prefixed text (aka engineering / metric prefix). Bonus: binary prefixes!
9 days 前 | 9 次下载 |

Scientific Prefix to Number
Convert SI-prefixed text (aka engineering / metric prefix) into numeric values. Bonus: binary prefixes!
9 days 前 | 2 次下载 |

Three dots at the end of a line of code
Perhaps code folding. Code folding is stored as meta-information in PREFDIR, much like breakpoints etc. are. Unfortunately some...
11 days 前 | 3
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reading text fils with data importing
It would be much better if you uploaded a sample data file by clicking the paperclip button. In lieu of that I created my own d...
13 days 前 | 0
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Move to MxN cell array to 1xN cell array
C = load('CellMatrixExample.mat').EmissivityMat F = @(c)vertcat(c{:}); C = cellfun(F,num2cell(C,1),'uni',0)
14 days 前 | 0
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reshape 4-dimension array
https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/double.permute.html https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/double.reshape.html A ...
17 days 前 | 1
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Can someone explain why the top code works but the bottom one has an error that says "Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 1."
"Can someone explain why the top code works but the bottom one has an error that says "Index exceeds the number of array element...
18 days 前 | 0
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MATLAB Indexing type dependence (bug?)
"what does it matter to the indexing whether it is a single or a double?" Because single precision cannot represent all of thos...
18 days 前 | 0
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Avoid negative sign with compose() when output is zero, e.g. '-0' or '-0.0'
num = -0.04; txt = compose('%.1f', num) txt = regexprep(txt,'^-(0+(\.0+)?)$','$1')
19 days 前 | 0
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Why do my plots overlap instead of showing up side-by-side?
Explanation: TILEDLAYOUT was written assuming one axes in each tile position. When you create a 2nd (or more) axes in a specific...
19 days 前 | 0
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Separate data series based on parameter within the data.
A = [1,12,13,14; 1,21,23,24; 2,32,33,34; 100,42,43,44] [G,ID] = findgroups(A(:,1)); Method one: F = @(x)A(x==A(:,1),:); C = ...
20 days 前 | 0
The surface area won't round to one decimal place and I don't know how to get rid of the 'e's.
https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/format.html Do not mix up the data stored in memory with how those data are displayed...
22 days 前 | 1
LaTeX interpreter with multiple strings or character vectors
Without even reading the XTICKLABELS documentation lets first do some basic reasoning: is a single character vector. XTICKLABEL...
23 days 前 | 0
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Fast reorganization of cell arrays
The timings might be similar for small arrays, but try testing on larger arrays! tic % Initialize target and source arrays tg...
24 days 前 | 0
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Left Justifying a String obtained from the formattedDisplayText() function
You would have to delete all leading space that occurs after any newline characters, e.g.: str = regexprep(str,'^[ \t]+','', 'l...
26 days 前 | 0
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Sort array based on particular rows
format long G M = load('matlab.mat').out X = -fix(2*(0:size(M,1)-1)/11); [~,Y] = sortrows([X(:),M],'descend'); Z = M(Y,:)
26 days 前 | 0
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Extract data using variable names
https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/discussions/tips/849901-tutorial-why-variables-should-not-be-named-dynamically-eval The...
27 days 前 | 1
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Calculations involving indexed variables and creating data tables
Lets first create some fake data (because you did not upload any sample data): T = array2table(rand(7,4),'VariableNames',{'X','...
27 days 前 | 0
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vpa does not work with the desired amount of digits
You need to set the digits first: https://www.mathworks.com/help/symbolic/digits.html The default is 32. "returns an answer w...
27 days 前 | 3
Alligning the output using fprintf
I = [0.0039,0.0038,0.2,0.402,0.628,0.837,1.069,1.234,1.436,1.666,1.79,2.05,1.8,1.54,1.42,1.24,1.03,0.8,0.61,0.4,0.18,0,-0.19,-0....
27 days 前 | 0
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xlsread multiple files from multiple folders
S = dir('Y:\Projects\*\*.xls'); W = 'Logic'; for k = 1:numel(S) F = fullfile(S(k).folder,S(k).name); [num,str] = xls...
28 days 前 | 0
Convert a cell containing structs into a single Struct
Avoid evil EVAL(). Constructing text that looks like code and then evaluating it should definitely be avoided. Using comma-sepa...
1 month 前 | 1
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