Optimization of PI controller of a dc motor four quadrant speed control through ICA
optimization using Imperialist competitive algorithm of PI controller of a dc motor speed control
13 years 前 | 3 次下载 |
Optimization of PI controller of a dc motor four quadrant speed control through ICA
application of ICA for optimization of PI controller of dc motor speed control
13 years 前 | 2 次下载 |
optimization of DC motor speed controller through ICA
optimization of PI controler of DCmotor speed control by Imperialist competitive algorithm
13 years 前 | 1 次下载 |
how to write PID function in .m file
a way is there : suppose ur tf is (1/a+s) which is to be fed to a pid controler. then the overall tf will be: (Kp+Ki/S+Kd.S)....
how to write PID function in .m file
a way is there : suppose ur tf is (1/a+s) which is to be fed to a pid controler. then the overall tf will be: (Kp+Ki/S+Kd.S)....
13 years 前 | 0
Optimization of PI controller of a dc motor four quadrant speed control through ICA
optimization of PI controler of DCmotor speed control by Imperialist competitive algorithm
13 years 前 | 4 次下载 |
how to submit a file here?
how many days it take to a file be uploaded to my prof?
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how to submit a file here?
how to submit a file here? in each file there is a lisence text file. person himself add that file or automatically this file ...
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syncronisatuion between GUI and model
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difference between ASV file and m-file
sometimes m-file is being converted in ASV file.which creates problem
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Is this possible to get signal or pulse from matlab through usb hub
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How to find optimal value of variables
generally there are lots of algorithm like ICA,genetic algorithm,SA etc.but,they determine the variables for the minimum output....
How to find optimal value of variables
generally there are lots of algorithm like ICA,genetic algorithm,SA etc.but,they determine the variables for the minimum output....
13 years 前 | 0
controlling manual switch through m-file
there in a manual switch,which can be altered during run time.now if i want to alter the switch through m-file command.what to ...
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im very new in image processing. in matlab how an image is represented? when i use imread() command lots of number comes what...
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how to superimpose a picture on an other pic in a same fig?
i mean to say suppose i have two pic, one is of a playground and other is a ball. now i open the pic of playground by using imr...
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how to save a graph in jpg or any other image format
how to save a graph in jpg or any other image format
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how to plot a graph without any marking in axes?
whenever im ploting a graph the goddam marking is shown on the axes?how to omit that?
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how to make speedometer in graphics
i have to make a speedometer in gui,as like we see in vechile.how can i do that? if i drag a axes an put it on gui editer.then ...
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how to make animation in matlab? i want to make animation of a wheel rotation or a motor rotation according to the given speed....
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store last m elemnts of a matrix to another matrix
suppose A=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] last 2 element are to be stored i=1; for j=m:size(A(1,:)) Anew(1,i)=A(1,j) end this is...
store last m elemnts of a matrix to another matrix
suppose A=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] last 2 element are to be stored i=1; for j=m:size(A(1,:)) Anew(1,i)=A(1,j) end this is...
13 years 前 | 0
Computing an equation
make that two functions in function builder.give the time input as a ramp function,f(t)=t;[may t=0:10] add a scope.find the ans...
Computing an equation
make that two functions in function builder.give the time input as a ramp function,f(t)=t;[may t=0:10] add a scope.find the ans...
13 years 前 | 0
split array
for i=1:(size(A(1,:))/2) B(1,:)=A(1,i); end for i=(size(A(1,:))/2):size(A(1,:)) B(2,:)=A(1,i); end try this.it may work ...
split array
for i=1:(size(A(1,:))/2) B(1,:)=A(1,i); end for i=(size(A(1,:))/2):size(A(1,:)) B(2,:)=A(1,i); end try this.it may work ...
13 years 前 | 0
How can I send a result to the workspace and take the same result from workspace ??
one thing can be made;if u open the models through a global m-file using sim() command.for the first time when the first model w...
How can I send a result to the workspace and take the same result from workspace ??
one thing can be made;if u open the models through a global m-file using sim() command.for the first time when the first model w...
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how to design dc motor which takes small time to simulate
i want to design a dc motor,though already there exists a inbuild model of dc motor,but still its taking to much time to simulat...
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connector block is nt found in matlab2009a
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error using plot()
h_MeanCostPlot=plot(MeanCost,'k:','LineWidth',1.5,'YDataSource','MeanCost'); im getting error while using this command in m...
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How to store an array of values in for loop?
for i=1:10 A(:,i)=(R*5)+(Y*6); end you can try this
How to store an array of values in for loop?
for i=1:10 A(:,i)=(R*5)+(Y*6); end you can try this
13 years 前 | 3
| 已接受
how to calculate the time integral of a signal in numeric form
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how to load data to workspace through m-file
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