

Last seen: 2 days 前 自 2024 起处于活动状态

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CAN Communication in Simulunk between 2 F28379D Boards
Hi @Ahasan urrahman For implementing CAN communication between two F28379D boards using Simulink, here are some essential resou...

1 day 前 | 0

USRP X310 Validate Radio Setup Error
Hello @민석 I see that you are using the NI USRP-2954R as your hardware device. The USRP X310 radio support allows users t...

2 days 前 | 0

time delay in simulink to be used with c code generation
Hey @Sadia, Adjusting code generation optimization settings can help embedded system applications manage time delays. He...

1 month 前 | 0

Error: Simulation Time in Ticks is not supported with XCP Classic Interface.
Hi @Zane, Based on the information provided I’m assuming that the error is related to code execution profiling and the hardware...

1 month 前 | 0

Help Index exceeds the number of array elements?
Hi James, The error message you're encountering, "Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0," indicat...

1 month 前 | 0

Network doesn't work on test image
Hi Mario, As I understand it, you are using a pretrained network (YOLO v2) on your dataset in MATLAB; however, it fails to work...

1 month 前 | 0

5G New Radio Polar Coding: trying to replicate pictures of MATLAB example
Hi @Mirza Tinjak, At low SNR values such as -10.6 dB, -9.6 dB, and -8.6 dB, the Block Error Rate (BLER) is consistently 1. This...

1 month 前 | 0

how can I increase the font size in the "help on selection" window to improve readability?
Hi Alfred, When you click the "Help on Selection," option, the pop-up window that opens is small by default. To enhance its rea...

1 month 前 | 0

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Brace indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Hi @xiaohe, The error, "Brace indexing is not supported for variables of this type," suggests that there might be an issue with...

1 month 前 | 0

Can you explain the difference between the two matrix operations in MATLAB?
Hi Janee, I see you want to understand how each example handles the multiplication and addition operations in a matrix. ...

2 months 前 | 1

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Feedback diversity system in Wireless communication
Hi @Hemaakanth Natkunarajah, I understand that you want to develop a simulation to demonstrate the feedback diversity system co...

2 months 前 | 0

MATLAB Function for Evaluating Body Position in SolidWorks Stuck in Busy Mode
Hi Matteo, I understand that your code becomes unresponsive when evaluating the position of a body in SolidWorks using MATLAB. ...

2 months 前 | 1

Help GUI Layout toolbox Relative widths
Hello, From what I gather, you are encountering challenges in configuring the relative sizes of block diagrams so that t...

5 months 前 | 0

Somebody explain me with text base user interface
Hey Phat, Based on what you have shared, I can understand that you want a function that would help the user choose which partic...

5 months 前 | 0

Simscape Probe block "unable to find elements to connect in selection"?
Hello Willis, I have noticed your issue with using the Simscape Probe block on the Heat Exchanger (TL-TL) block, and it appears...

5 months 前 | 1

error with calculating drag and lift forces in a square prism. The error i get is Index must not exceed 1. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Daniel, From the provided information, I understand that you are getting error in your code while trying to plot the drag...

5 months 前 | 0

How to improve the simulation time in a comprehensive Simulink battery model?
Hey Dan, As I can understand that you are trying to simulate a battery pack with around 5000 individual cells using the “Generi...

5 months 前 | 0

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Cannot install addon - unexpected error
Hello James, I see you are encountering some unexpected errors while attempting to install an add-on. I assume you are working...

5 months 前 | 0

simscope的simscope results显示是灰色无法点击使用,这个功能是需要满足特定条件后才能启动吗
Hello, 由于我的母语不是中文,我将尝试用英语回答这个问题。感谢您的理解。 I understand that the ‘Simscape Results Explorer’ under the ‘Review Results’ on the Si...

7 months 前 | 3

Help me to solve this error please. it is a simple modelling of vehicle HVAC system.
Hi Alen, From the provided information, I understand that you are getting errors while modelling a custom vehicle HVAC system i...

7 months 前 | 0

How to obtain General Solution of Homogenous ODE; (D^2) - (A^2) = 0 in terms of sin & cos
Hello Parvesh, I understand that you would like the outcome to be expressed in terms of ‘Sine’ and ‘Cos’ after solving a system...

7 months 前 | 0

Unified PWM Modulator for a 2-level, 3-phase converter
Hello Yanshu, I understand you want to know how the "PWM Modulator" block works internally, including how it generates the modu...

7 months 前 | 0

x.mat does not exist on the MATLAB path
Hello, I see that you are getting an error that “untitled.mat” does not exist on the MATLAB path while using the ‘Signal Editor...

7 months 前 | 0

STL Creation after Savitzky Filter
Hi Holden, I understand that you wish to create contours using your program and obtain the same outcomes as when you do not uti...

7 months 前 | 0

How can i insert the audio and convert it to digtal signal using Adaptive Delta Modulation ?
Hello, It appears that you wish to use MATLAB to import an audio file and use the Adaptive Delta Modulation method to convert i...

7 months 前 | 0

Synthetic data with monte carlo
Hi Nikolas, According to what I understand, you want to use Monte Carlo simulation to create synthetic data using the provided ...

7 months 前 | 0

How to compute the relative humidity in Fuel Cell Simscape Model (ssc_fuel_cell) ?
Hey, Romeo Coletti, I see that you want to know where and how the relative humidity calculations for the anode and cathode are ...

7 months 前 | 0

Simulink IFFT complex rounding error?
Hey, Peter, I understand that when you perform an IFFT computation in Simulink, you obtain a tiny imaginary component in the ra...

7 months 前 | 0

Real time sound processing
Hello, It is my understanding that you are trying to implement the “Active noise control with Simulink real-time” model ...

7 months 前 | 0

Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest value allowed (1.776357e-15) at time t
Hey, Teja, From the provided information, I understand that you are facing issues in solving an ode equation using the ode45 fu...

7 months 前 | 0
