Error Attempted to access x(2,1); index out of bounds because size(x)=[1,4]
I am using Genetic Algorithm Toolbox(GUI). My fitness function is; function y=regressionfcn(x) for j=1:30 y= -0.02...
12 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
Help for linear regression
The only thing is that; in the equation sum_theta_vec= (sum_theta_vec + ((h_theta_v - y_v(i)) * x(:,inner_j).^i)); i wan...
Help for linear regression
The only thing is that; in the equation sum_theta_vec= (sum_theta_vec + ((h_theta_v - y_v(i)) * x(:,inner_j).^i)); i wan...
13 years 前 | 0
Help for linear regression
Hi friends, I have a problem in finding the regression by gradient descent. I coded it. My code is as shown; x=[x1 x...
13 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
Multivariate Linear Regression code
If there is a chance of doing this with 3 features output, it will be superb. otherwise, it's also OK.
Multivariate Linear Regression code
If there is a chance of doing this with 3 features output, it will be superb. otherwise, it's also OK.
13 years 前 | 0
Multivariate Linear Regression code
In my hand, 30 samples of 4 features and 30 outputs. i want to learn the regression equation of these as; theta=theta(0) + th...
13 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
Help for mathematical equation of regression in ANN
Also, in one of your previous answers, you told to use. help msereg in the help part, it is explained like that ...
Help for mathematical equation of regression in ANN
Also, in one of your previous answers, you told to use. help msereg in the help part, it is explained like that ...
13 years 前 | 0
Help for mathematical equation of regression in ANN
hiddenLayerSize=10; # 1- HIDDENLAYERSIZE 30 CHANGED TO 10. # 2- MATLAB 2012a.(FORGOT TO ADD IT, SORRY FOR THAT)...
Help for mathematical equation of regression in ANN
hiddenLayerSize=10; # 1- HIDDENLAYERSIZE 30 CHANGED TO 10. # 2- MATLAB 2012a.(FORGOT TO ADD IT, SORRY FOR THAT)...
13 years 前 | 0
Help for mathematical equation of regression in ANN
Thank you so much but, inputs = initial1'; targets = output'; hiddenLayerSize = 30; net = newff(...
Help for mathematical equation of regression in ANN
Thank you so much but, inputs = initial1'; targets = output'; hiddenLayerSize = 30; net = newff(...
13 years 前 | 0
HELP in Genetic Algorithm for using integer constraints and linear constraints
How can i save my options for use in MATLAB? If i can do it, your code would be useful
HELP in Genetic Algorithm for using integer constraints and linear constraints
How can i save my options for use in MATLAB? If i can do it, your code would be useful
13 years 前 | 0
Help for mathematical equation of regression in ANN
With ANN toolbox, I am using neural networks for finding the regression equation. for info, I am using Bayesian regularizati...
13 years 前 | 5 个回答 | 0
HELP in Genetic Algorithm for using integer constraints and linear constraints
I am using Genetic Algorithm Toolbox(GUI) for double vector population.. I have a problem with that. I want to use linear ...
13 years 前 | 3 个回答 | 0
Real Value Conversion to Binary with Range
Thanks again. Do you have any idea to convert the binary digits to real values??
Real Value Conversion to Binary with Range
Thanks again. Do you have any idea to convert the binary digits to real values??
13 years 前 | 0
Real Value Conversion to Binary with Range
Again, i write on the same topic. Sorry for that. Within the range values (e.g. [0,25]) how can i convert my real numbers to ...
13 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
Real value to binary
Actually, if i put 2.154 as a real value within [0,25] it should not give me 000000000000010. it represents for my range 0.00...
Real value to binary
Actually, if i put 2.154 as a real value within [0,25] it should not give me 000000000000010. it represents for my range 0.00...
13 years 前 | 0
Real value to binary
How can i convert my real value to binary digits? For example; i have values within [0,25] range and 15 binary digits to repr...
13 years 前 | 4 个回答 | 0
Error in genetic algorithm in toolbox
I am using(GUI) Rastrigin function as objective function with four variables and real values. I think(now i realize) in the ...
Error in genetic algorithm in toolbox
I am using(GUI) Rastrigin function as objective function with four variables and real values. I think(now i realize) in the ...
13 years 前 | 0
Error in genetic algorithm in toolbox
I am trying again and again on genetic algorithm toolbox(GUI). When i run my algorithm, the error occurs as; Optimization run...
13 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
Regression function of Neural Networks
I wrote a code for neural network for my project but, i could not find the regression function as a result. My code is; inp...
13 years 前 | 3 个回答 | 0
Artificial Neural Network Question
I am searching for an optimization of medium components and firstly want to find the regression of them by using ANN toolbox. I...
13 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Optimization running. Error running optimization. Too many input arguments.
Sorry for that :) At that moment, i got exhausted. even i did not understand what i wrote. Thanks for interest.
Optimization running. Error running optimization. Too many input arguments.
Sorry for that :) At that moment, i got exhausted. even i did not understand what i wrote. Thanks for interest.
13 years 前 | 0
Genetic Algorithm Toolbox Problem
I could not create a "creation function" in the genetic algorithm toolbox. My population consists of only real values. Firstly,...
13 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
Optimization running. Error running optimization. Too many input arguments.
I could not create "options" in this function. In my project, i want to optimize media components of a fermentor. i think in tha...
Optimization running. Error running optimization. Too many input arguments.
I could not create "options" in this function. In my project, i want to optimize media components of a fermentor. i think in tha...
13 years 前 | 0
Optimization running. Error running optimization. Too many input arguments.
I am working on genetic algorithm toolbox but i have a problem with creation function. i want to initialize real valued populati...
13 years 前 | 4 个回答 | 0