Programming Languages:
Spoken Languages:
English, Russian
Spoken Languages:
English, Russian
Calculate a modified Levenshtein distance between two strings
Inspired by the Cody problem found here. The Levenshtein distance is a charater-based string metric used to measure the differe...
5 months 前
Find mistyped words in text (mixed-up letters)
Mistyped words are a regular occurrence in emails, texts, status updates, and the like. Many times, people send or post a second...
6 months 前
Bang Bang in Bangalore
Imagine a strange language disorder, Bangolangosis, has developed among trigonometricians of <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banga...
6 months 前
Count letters occurence in text, specific to words with a given length.
Build a function with two input arguments: a string and a word length (number of letters), that outputs a vector of counts of th...
6 months 前
Word Distance - Sum
Let's suppose that the distance of a word can be calculated by summing the differences between its letters, having assigned the ...
6 months 前
Formatting currency numbers
Given a number, format it properly for textual display using the notation $xxx,xxx,xxx.xx. Assume that no more than two digits ...
6 months 前
Join Strings with Multiple Different Delimiters
The idea is to form the string S by interleaving the elements of a cell array of strings DELIMITER and another cell array of st...
6 months 前
Convert a structure into a string
Convert the contents of each fields into a string. Example with an input structure s with 2 fields : s.age = '33' s....
6 months 前
Transposition as a CIPHER
This all about transcripting a text message. If the input string is: s1 = 'My name is Sourav Mondal', then the output is: s2 = '...
6 months 前
Without the French accent please!
Suppress the French accent. Example 'Déjà présent' -> 'Deja present'
6 months 前
Convert String to Morse Code
Convert a given string to international <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morse_code Morse Code> * Strings will only have [A-z], ...
6 months 前
QWERTY Shift Code Decoder
Decode a string encoded using the QWERTY shift code. QWERTY shift code is where the message was touch typed but with an offse...
6 months 前
QWERTY Shift Encoder
Encode a string using the QWERTY shift code. This code is where you touch type but are offset by one character to the right. O...
6 months 前
Sums of cubes and squares of sums
Given the positive integers 1:n, can you: 1. Compute twice the sum of the cubes of those numbers. 2. Subtract the square...
6 months 前
Diagonal Pattern
For a positive integer |n|, return an |nXn| matrix |mat| such that the value of each element in row |i| and column |j| is given ...
6 months 前
Průměr z výběrového souboru
Napište funkci, která vrátí průměr z hodnot vektoru data. Např data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] je prumer = 5.
6 months 前
Primitive Root Modulo n
Given a positive integer n > 2, return a vector, v, of positive integers smaller than n that are primitive roots modulo n. If no...
1 year 前
Primitive Root Modulo n
Given a positive integer n > 2, return a vector, v, of positive integers smaller than n that are primitive roots modulo n. If no...
1 year 前 | 1 | 5 个解题者
Find nearest prime number less than input number
Find nearest prime number less than input number. For example: if the input number is 125, then the nearest prime number whi...
1 year 前
Snakes and Ladders: Variable Die
This problem is a sequal to Problem 59132 Snakes and Ladders: Average Number of Turns. Instead of a 6-sided die, your function ...
1 year 前
Snakes and Ladders: Average Number of Turns
In this problem, you will play a single-player variant of the classic game Snakes and Ladders. The rules are as follows: The pl...
1 year 前
Snakes and Ladders: Variable Die
This problem is a sequal to Problem 59132 Snakes and Ladders: Average Number of Turns. Instead of a 6-sided die, your function ...
1 year 前 | 1 | 4 个解题者
Snakes and Ladders: Average Number of Turns
In this problem, you will play a single-player variant of the classic game Snakes and Ladders. The rules are as follows: The pl...
1 year 前 | 0 | 4 个解题者
Find the jerk
No, it's not the author of this problem... Jerk is the rate of change in acceleration over time of an object. So, if given t...
1 year 前
Bernoulli's Equation
Bernoulli's equation states that for an incompressible fluid the following summation is constant across the flow: v^2/2 + g*z + ...
1 year 前
Split Even Number Into Two Primes
Given an even whole number n (> 2), return a 2-element vector of primes, p, such that p(1) + p(2) = n. Fun note: technically it...
1 year 前
Find matching string from a list of strings
Write a function that returns a string that is a unique match (if it exists) of the string inStr from a list of strings strList....
1 year 前
Calculate the square root
Given an input integer x, calculate the square root without using the sqrt function.
1 year 前
Convert Volume Mixing Ratio to Density
The partial pressure of a constituent gas species of the atmosphere can be expressed in parts per million by volume. For exampl...
1 year 前
SatCom #6: Inclination of a Sun-Synchronous Orbit
Satellite and Space Engineering - Problem #5 This is part of a series of problems looking at topics in satellite and space comm...
1 year 前