How to divide 256X256 matrix into sixteen 16X16 blocks?
You need to use _mat2cell_: X = reshape(1:20,5,4)' C = mat2cell(X, [2 2], [3 2]) celldisp(C) This code returns...

11 years 前 | 6

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plotyy with 4 outputs
Try something like this: plot(x1,y3,'m',x1,y4,'r') hold on plotyy(x1,y1,x1,y2) hold off

11 years 前 | 0

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Numeric index Slider GUI
If "my_slider_k" is the tag of any of your sliders, slider_k_value = get(handles.my_slider_k,'Value'); then, set this v...

11 years 前 | 0

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Why do i get the error "Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in fingerprinting (line 6) song1=song1(1:44100);" in my code
Your code says: song1=song1(1:3*44100); what assumes that song1 is at least a 1x132300 array. It seems that song1 is sma...

11 years 前 | 0

comparing between two arrays
a=[2 3 4 ; 9 8 7]; b =[ 5 2 1 ; 6 3 2]; c=[ 4 7 1; 1 2 3]; dist_ab_cluster_1 = norm(b(1,:)-a(1,:)); dist_a...

11 years 前 | 0

Replacing elements in matrix with relational operations
M=randi(10,3); n1 = 5; c1 = 4; c2 = 3; M1 = M<5; D1 = c1*M1; M2 = M>=5; D2 = c2*M2; new_M = D1...

11 years 前 | 0

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read data send from zigbee
ZigBee uses a serial protocol. Just create an serial object and read the input buffer. read the serial documentation to creat...

11 years 前 | 0

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storing values from loops
Use a temporary variable: for a=[1:100]; %coding here left out FMJ_cars_wait_2 = @(T12,MJ_V12) (lambdaMJ_sec(a) -...

11 years 前 | 0

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add data points to a graph
<</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/182/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo.png>> Select the "Data Cursor" on the figure window and click o...

11 years 前 | 0

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How do I select elements out of a matrix with a loop?
You can try the following: A = rand(16); % a 16x16 random matrix B = reshape(M,4,4,16); % you will get 16 4x4 matrices....

11 years 前 | 0

How can I select a point in the figure by mouse?
You need to make use of datacursormode and getCursorInfo functions. Look in matlab help for examples on how to ...

11 years 前 | 0

last number is out of matrix range range
you can round the last element: n1=492; n2=354; x = ones(20,1); X=n1:(n2-n1)/(length(x)*1.25):n2; X2 = floor(X); X2 ...

11 years 前 | 0

How to I solve a equation?
Take a look at the following links and try to do their examples: http://www2.math.umd.edu/~immortal/206/tutorial/Solvin...

11 years 前 | 0

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Extrapolate a sets of data
You can concatenate the two sets and plot the resulting set. This way, the points will be linked. Use _cat_ to concatenate: ...

11 years 前 | 0

what is meant by 3e4 in matlab?
3e4 = 3*10^4 = 30000

11 years 前 | 1

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How to update Title and Subtitles each time in a loop for publishing document
For now, Matlab does not support adding changing titles iterating. You can not change the title on every iteration. Your line ...

11 years 前 | 0

Center of mass in binary image
use _text_ command: your_string = strcat( num2str(centroids(:,1)),'-', num2str(centroids(:,2))); text(10,10,your_string)...

11 years 前 | 0

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content of makehdr function
I think it does not, you can check the code out by typing: type makehdr

11 years 前 | 0

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thin the boundary of objects of black & white images
Use _imerode_. From Matlab documentation: IM2 = imerode(IM,SE) erodes the grayscale, binary, or packed binary image IM, re...

11 years 前 | 1

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detecting speed of car
You have to know the length of the road, then, measure the time taken by the car to go along that stretch of road. velocity...

11 years 前 | 0

Clear a line drawn in plot.
Implement this in the pushbutton: children = get(gca, 'children'); delete(children(1)); The first line grabs the last...

11 years 前 | 1

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Convert an Image to a binary (.bin) file
Try this out: I= imread('cameraman.tif'); level = .5; BW = im2bw(I, level); %choose your own options when writing to...

11 years 前 | 0

Excel data to matlab
Import your data as string using the sintax: [num,txt] = xlsread(filename,sheet,range) Once in Matlab, you can change ...

11 years 前 | 0

how to fetch files from each sub directory?
Use the _dir2_ function. With it, you can fetch files recursively.

11 years 前 | 0

Find a series of consecutive numbers in a vector
my_array = [34 35 36 78 79 80 81 82 84 85 86 102 103 104 105 106 107 201 202 203 204]; my_num = 0; consec = 1; for k...

11 years 前 | 2

how to use dir2 function in matlab?
If you just downloaded the function _dir2_ and place it in a location whose path is added to the system, it's bound not to work....

11 years 前 | 0

How can I download an earlier version of matlab?
You should contact a mathworks sales agent. They will give you a solution. Anyway, I would recommend you to update your OS inst...

11 years 前 | 0

fopen and xlswrite error
close the file before attempting the its opening: fod = fopen(outputfile,'w'); fprintf(fod, '%s \t%s \t%s \t%s \t%s \t%...

11 years 前 | 0

how to access a particular format files from a drive location?
try the function given in the following link for recursive search: <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/40016...

11 years 前 | 0

Too many input arguments-ga mixed integer optimiazation
Instead of using _optimset_ to set the options use _gaoptimset_.

11 years 前 | 0
