Generate mlint warning when variable is not unused
mlint gives a warning when a variable is unsed. E.g. in the following code, mlint gives a warning in line (1) a = 2; % (1) - h...
6 months 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
Prevent mlint warning for onCleanup like return value
I wrote a function, similar to onCleanup. I noticed that Matlab does not give a mlint warning for the following code. dummy = o...
8 months 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
How to check for number of vacant workers available in a parallel pool?
I wrote a quick and dirty function, which returns whether there are workers available for a parfor loop. It can not return the n...
How to check for number of vacant workers available in a parallel pool?
I wrote a quick and dirty function, which returns whether there are workers available for a parfor loop. It can not return the n...
9 months 前 | 0
Behaviour change of `isequal`
My question is about the call: isequal( 'a', "a" ) I noted that in Matlab R2018 this returns 0, whereas in Matlab R2020a this ...
1 year 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
What happend to %#ok<DEFNU>
In my last Matlab version ( I think R2020a ), I added %#ok<DEFNU> to functions (which were on purpose unused) to silence the Mat...
2 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 2
How can I determine what add-ons I have installed?
In the unit test framwork TTEST is an experimentally function available EXPECT_TOOLBOX, which checks the availability of toolbox...
How can I determine what add-ons I have installed?
In the unit test framwork TTEST is an experimentally function available EXPECT_TOOLBOX, which checks the availability of toolbox...
3 years 前 | 0
Which standard MATLAB functions do you shadow with your own version, and why?
I shadow (actually wrap, to add extra functionality) warning (since Matlab occasionally disables all warnings without notice.)....
Which standard MATLAB functions do you shadow with your own version, and why?
I shadow (actually wrap, to add extra functionality) warning (since Matlab occasionally disables all warnings without notice.)....
3 years 前 | 0
Behaviour ofparfeval depends on debugging state (Bug?)
I have the following function, which should return false. If I set a breakpoint at the first line, and then step through the pro...
4 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
mdbstatus disables all warnings
I am using Matlab R2018a. It seems that mdbstatus regularly disables all warnings by calling warning( 'off' ) and not reset the ...
4 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
How to check if workspace is static
Is there a programmatic way to determine whether a workspace is static? In particular, I want to add a variable to the callers ...
4 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
What capability would you want to see added to the symbolic toolbox in the future?
Compatibility of the symbolic toolbox with the rest of matlab. In particular: Same interfaces of functions when taking symbolic ...
What capability would you want to see added to the symbolic toolbox in the future?
Compatibility of the symbolic toolbox with the rest of matlab. In particular: Same interfaces of functions when taking symbolic ...
4 years 前 | 0
How to access and change variables in workspace
I need to access variables in a workspace which are in a workspace down the stack. And I need to do this in a function - Thus, s...
4 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
How to get a list of local functions in a MATLAB file?
See my submission allfunctionhandle, it returns handles to the local functions without the need to modify the source code. http...
How to get a list of local functions in a MATLAB file?
See my submission allfunctionhandle, it returns handles to the local functions without the need to modify the source code. http...
4 years 前 | 0
How can I interrupt a callback and NOT come back to finish its execution in MATLAB?
I think I found a solution. See my proof-of-concept submission errorat at the Matlab Fileexchange. A similar approach should be ...
How can I interrupt a callback and NOT come back to finish its execution in MATLAB?
I think I found a solution. See my proof-of-concept submission errorat at the Matlab Fileexchange. A similar approach should be ...
4 years 前 | 0