Sijie Huang
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colorbar tick distance to axes and label position
Hi, I have the following figure generated from MATLAB2023b by the following code fig = figure; fig.Position = [0 900 600 ...
1 year 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
What is the difference between wrcoef/upcoef/appcoef in wavelet analysis?
Hi, Currently I am doing wavelet analysis on a signal. My purpose is to reconstruct the signal on a certain level. However, I f...
5 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
How can I do this L1 integral minimization?
Greetings, I have the following integral <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/138632/Screen%20Shot%202018-10-28%20at%20...
6 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 0
I want a whole code for solving the Blasius equation(similarity variable 'eta') using shooting method with Runge Kutta 4th order numerical technique
please refer to the following thread <https://ww2.mathworks.cn/matlabcentral/fileexchange/58996-blaisus-equation-solution Blais...
I want a whole code for solving the Blasius equation(similarity variable 'eta') using shooting method with Runge Kutta 4th order numerical technique
please refer to the following thread <https://ww2.mathworks.cn/matlabcentral/fileexchange/58996-blaisus-equation-solution Blais...
7 years 前 | 0
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MATLAB generated .eps 3D figure import to Latex will be blurry
Hi, I try to import .eps figures generated by MATLAB to Latex, it works fine for 2D plots: by fine I mean no matter how much ...
7 years 前 | 2 个回答 | 2
How to type a spacing in Matlab latex
I am writing comments for "publish" as the following: % $Apply~Lax-Friedrichs\ to\ nonlinear\ Lighthill-Whitham-Richardson\ ...
7 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 1