Video length is 43:57

Automated ROS and ROS 2 Node Generation from Prototyping to Production


MATLAB and Simulink support a live connection with ROS network for your ROS based desktop simulation. In addition, you can generate stand-alone C++ nodes from MATLAB and Simulink through automated code generation. Starting with R2021b, it also supports embedding a deep learning network into ROS nodes using GPU coder (e.g., generate CUDA code of object detection algorithm from MATLAB Script using GPU Coder). 

This webinar discusses automated C++ ROS / ROS2 node generation from MATLAB scripts and Simulink models.  We will also highlight ROS Toolbox feature updates and propose the workflow that successful users have adopted.


Through several examples, webinar covers the following topics:

  • ROS and ROS 2 node generation and deployment from MATLAB scripts
  • ROS and ROS 2 node generation and deployment from Simulink models
  • ROS-compatible CUDA node generation from Simulink using GPU coder
  • Working with generated ROS nodes

About the Presenters

YJ Lim is a Senior Technical Product Manager of robotics and autonomous systems at the MathWorks. YJ has over 20 years of experience in robotics and autonomous systems area, including prior experience at Vecna robotics, Hstar Technologies, SimQuest, Energid Technologies, and GM Korea. Lim received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and his Master from KAIST in S. Korea.

Murat Belge is a consulting engineer at the MathWorks. He is the technology team lead for ROS Toolbox. He worked in MathWorks for over 15 years in various areas including code generation for embedded systems, networking protocols, middleware representation and integration, IOT, device driver abstraction and integration, targeting embedded Linux systems, embedded vision and motor control. His experience includes developing embedded vision algorithms for SIMD processors and developing time domain reflectometry diagnostics systems for digital subscriber lines.  Belge received his Ph.D. from Northeastern University, M.S. and B.S. from Bilkent University in Turkey, all in electrical engineering.

Recorded: 7 Dec 2021