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Map Simulink entry-point function to AUTOSAR runnable and software address methods


mapFunction(slMap,slEntryPointFunction,arRunnableName) maps Simulink® entry-point function slEntryPointFunction to AUTOSAR runnable arRunnableName.


mapFunction(slMap,slEntryPointFunction,arRunnableName,Name,Value) specifies additional properties for the AUTOSAR runnable by using one or more Name,Value pair arguments. You can specify software address methods (SwAddrMethods) for runnable function code and internal data.



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Set AUTOSAR mapping information for a Simulink entry-point function in the example model autosar_swc. The model has an initialize entry-point function named Runnable_Init and periodic entry-point functions named Runnable_1s and Runnable_2s.

hModel = 'autosar_swc';
arRunnableName =

Set AUTOSAR SwAddrMethods for a Simulink entry-point function in the example model autosar_swc_counter. The model has a single-tasking periodic entry-point step function.

hModel = 'autosar_swc_counter';

% Add SwAddrMethods myCODE and myVAR to the AUTOSAR component
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);
swAddrPaths = find(arProps,[],'SwAddrMethod','PathType','FullyQualified',...
swAddrPaths = find(arProps,[],'SwAddrMethod','PathType','FullyQualified',...

% Set code generation parameter for runnable internal data SwAddrMethods

% Map periodic function and internal data to myCODE and myVAR SwAddrMethods
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

% Return AUTOSAR mapping information for periodic function
[arRunnableName,arRunnableSwAddrMethod,arInternalDataSwAddrMethod] = ...
swAddrPaths =
  1×2 cell array

swAddrPaths =
  1×2 cell array

arRunnableName =

arRunnableSwAddrMethod =

arInternalDataSwAddrMethod =

Input Arguments

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Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar representing the model name.

Example: slMap

Simulink entry-point function for which to set AUTOSAR mapping information. The value format is based on the function type.

Function TypeValue
Reset'Reset:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the name of a reset function in the model.
Single-tasking periodic'Periodic'.
Periodic (implicit task)'Periodic:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the corresponding period annotation, as displayed in the Timing Legend. For example, 'Periodic:D1'.
Partition (explicit task)'Partition:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the partition name, as displayed in the Schedule Editor. For example, 'Partition:P1'.

'ExportedFunction:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the name of the Inport block that drives the control port of the function-call subsystem. For example:

  • 'ExportedFunction:Trigger_1s' in example model autosar_swc_slfcns

  • 'ExportedFunction:FunctionTrigger' in example model autosar_swc_fcncalls

Simulink function in client-server configuration'SimulinkFunction:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the name of a global Simulink function in the model. For example, 'SimulinkFunction:readData' in the example model in Configure AUTOSAR Server.

Example: 'Periodic:D1'

Name of AUTOSAR runnable to which to map the specified Simulink entry-point function object.

Example: 'Runnable_2s'

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'SwAddrMethod','CODE' specifies SwAddrMethod CODE for an AUTOSAR runnable function.

Specify a SwAddrMethod name that is valid for the AUTOSAR function. Code generation uses the SwAddrMethod name to group AUTOSAR runnable functions in a memory section. For a list of valid SwAddrMethod values for the function, see the Code Mappings editor, Entry-Point Functions tab. For more information, see Configure SwAddrMethod.

Example: 'SwAddrMethod','CODE'

Specify a SwAddrMethod name that is valid for the AUTOSAR internal data. Code generation uses the SwAddrMethod name to group AUTOSAR runnable internal data in a memory section. For a list of valid SwAddrMethod values for the internal data, see the Code Mappings editor, Entry-Point Functions tab. For more information, see Configure SwAddrMethod.

Code generation for runnable internal data SwAddrMethods requires setting the model configuration option Code Generation > Interface > Generate separate internal data per entry-point function (GroupInternalDataByFunction) to on.

Example: 'SwAddrMethodForInternalData','VAR'

Version History

Introduced in R2013b