Code Generation for Sparse Matrices
Sparse matrices provide efficient storage in memory for arrays with many zero elements. Sparse matrices can provide improved performance and reduced memory usage for generated code. Computation time on sparse matrices scales only with the number of operations on nonzero elements.
Functions for creating and manipulating sparse matrices are listed in Sparse Matrices. To check if a
function is supported for code generation, see the function reference page. Code generation
does not support sparse matrix inputs created by using sparse
for all functions.
Sparse Data Types in Generated Code
If your target language is C, the code generator creates a type definition for sparse
matrices called sparse
. This definition stores the arrays of row
indices, column indices, and corresponding element values for the sparse matrix. The
type definition is generated in the file
, where myFunction
refers to
the name of your top-level function.
If your target language is C++, the code generator creates a class
in the file sparse.h
The number of nonzero elements in a sparse matrix can change during computation. For
this reason, sparse matrices in the generated code use variable-size arrays and dynamic
memory allocation. If your target language is C, the generated code implements
dynamically allocated variables by using the emxArray
type. If your
target language is C++, the generated code implements dynamically allocated variables by
using the coder::array
class template.
For example, consider the function myDiag
function out = myDiag(n,k) % create diagonal sparse matrix %#codegen A = speye(n); out = A.*k; end
Generate code for the function by using the codegen
codegen -config:lib myDiag -args {3, 5} -launchreport
The sparse type can be found in the file myDiag_types.h
Input Definition
Suppose that you have a function foo
that accepts a sparse matrix
as an input. This function multiplies the sparse matrix by an identity matrix and
outputs the product:
function C = foo(ASparseInput) %#codegen B = speye(size(ASparseInput')); C = ASparseInput*B;
Suppose that you want to generate standalone lib
, or exe
code to use outside of the
MATLAB® environment. To generate lib
code, enter:
codegen -config:lib foo -args {sparse(5,5)} -launchreport
You can simplify your standalone code by constructing the sparse matrix inside your entry-point function rather than passing a sparse matrix as an input. When you follow this guideline, construction of the sparse matrix can be deferred to the code generator. Other code that uses your generated code can pass input types such as arrays rather than specialized sparse types.
For example, instead of generating code directly from foo
, create a
new entry-point function fooMain
to generate code from. Replace the
sparse input with the triplet form of the sparse data.
function [ii,jj,out] = fooMain(i,j,v,m,n) %#codegen S = sparse(i,j,v,m,n); [ii,jj,out] = find(foo(S));
Suppose that you want to generate code for a 5-by-5 sparse matrix S
with a variable-size number of nonzero elements. To generate code, enter:
S = sparse(5,5); [m,n] = size(S); [i,j,v] = find(S); i = coder.typeof(i,[inf 1]); codegen -config:lib fooMain -args {i,i,i,m,n} -launchreport
You can specify the input for fooMain
with integer and
variable-size array types. If you generate code directly from foo
you must construct the input as a sparse
If you do choose to pass a sparse matrix as an entry-point function input, you can use
to initialize the input. For example, for the
function foo
, you can enter:
t = coder.typeof(sparse(5,5)); codegen -config:lib foo -args {t} -launchreport
For sparse matrices, the code generator does not track upper bounds for variable-size dimensions. All variable-size dimensions are treated as unbounded.
If you generate a MEX function for foo
, the input and output data
must be converted to sparse
type. This conversion can slow
performance for repeated MEX function calls or large
inputs and outputs.
You cannot define sparse input types programmatically by using
Code Generation Guidelines
Initialize matrices by using sparse constructors to maximize your code efficiency. For
example, to construct a 3-by-3 identity matrix, use speye(3,3)
than sparse(eye(3,3))
Indexed assignment into sparse matrices incurs an overhead compared to indexed assignment into full matrices. For example:
S = speye(10); S(7,7) = 42;
As in MATLAB, sparse matrices are stored in compressed sparse column format. When you insert a new nonzero element into a sparse matrix, all subsequent nonzero elements must be shifted downward, column by column. These extra manipulations can slow performance. See Accessing Sparse Matrices.
Code Generation Limitations
To generate code that uses sparse matrices, dynamic memory allocation must be enabled. To store the changing number of nonzero elements, and their values, sparse matrices use variable-size arrays in the generated code. To change dynamic memory allocation settings, see Control Memory Allocation for Variable-Size Arrays. Because sparse matrices use variable-size arrays for dynamic memory allocation, limitations on Variable-Size Data also apply to sparse matrices.
You cannot assign sparse data to data that is not sparse. The generated code uses
distinct data type representations for sparse and full matrices. To convert to and from
sparse data, use the explicit sparse
and full
conversion functions.
You cannot define a sparse matrix with competing size specifications. The code
generator fixes the size of the sparse matrix when it produces the corresponding data
type definition in C/C++. As an example, the function foo
causes an
error in code generation:
function y = foo(n) %#codegen if n > 0 y = sparse(3,2); else y = sparse(4,3); end
Logical indexing into sparse matrices is not supported for code generation. For example, this syntax causes an error:
S = magic(3); S(S > 7) = 42;
For sparse matrices, you cannot delete array elements by assigning empty arrays:
S(:,2) = [];
See Also
| full
| coder.typeof
| magic
| speye
| codegen