Usage notes and limitations:
You can generate C or C++ code that does not depend on any deep learning third-party
libraries for formats with any number of spatial dimensions. For example, code generation
supports the input format "SSSCBT" (spatial, spatial, spatial, channel, batch, time) for
Code generation for ARM® Compute and Intel® MKL-DNN only supports permutations of these input formats:
(channel, batch)
(spatial, spatial, channel, batch)
(channel, batch, time)
(spatial, spatial, channel, batch, time)
Usage notes and limitations:
You can generate plain CUDA code that is independent of deep learning libraries for
formats with any number of spatial dimensions. For example, code generation supports the
input format "SSSCBT" (spatial, spatial, spatial, channel, batch, time) for
You can generate code that takes advantage of the NVIDIA®
CUDA® deep neural network library (cuDNN), or the NVIDIA
TensorRT™ high performance inference library.
The cuDNN library supports permutations of these input formats:
(channel, batch)
(spatial, spatial, channel, batch)
(channel, batch, time)
(spatial, spatial, channel, batch, time)
The TensorRT library supports permutations of these input formats:
(channel, batch)
(spatial, spatial, channel, batch)
(channel, batch, time)