此示例使用预训练的语义分割网络,该网络可以将像素分为 11 个不同类,包括 Road
和 Sky
。通过将分类为 Road
训练该网络的完整过程如Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Learning (Computer Vision Toolbox) 示例中所示。下载预训练的网络。
% Download and load the pretrained network. data = downloadPretrainedNetwork('vision/data','segnetVGG16CamVid'); net = data.net;
注意:数据的下载时间取决于您的 Internet 连接。下载完成之前,上面使用的命令会阻止 MATLAB®。您也可以使用 Web 浏览器先将数据集下载到本地磁盘。这种情况下,要使用从 Web 下载的文件,请将上面代码中的 pretrainedFolder
通过使用下载的语义分割网络处理图像来估计可用空间。网络返回图像中每个图像像素的分类。分类为 Road
本示例中使用的图像是 CamVid 数据集 [1] 中一个图像序列的单帧。本示例中所示的过程可应用于一系列帧,以估计车辆行驶时的可用空间。然而,由于本示例中使用了超深度卷积神经网络架构(具有 VGG-16 编码器的 SegNet),因此处理每帧大约需要 1 秒。因此,为了方便起见,此处仅处理单个帧。
% Read the image. I = imread('seq05vd_snap_shot.jpg'); % Segment the image. [C,scores,allScores] = semanticseg(I,net); % Overlay free space onto the image. B = labeloverlay(I,C,'IncludedLabels',"Road"); % Display free space and image. figure imshow(B)
要了解可用空间估计的置信度,请显示每个像素的 Road
类的输出分数。置信度值可用于向下游算法告知估计的有效性。例如,即使网络将某像素分类为 Road
% Use the network's output score for Road as the free space confidence. roadClassIdx = 4; freeSpaceConfidence = allScores(:,:,roadClassIdx); % Display the free space confidence. figure imagesc(freeSpaceConfidence) title('Free Space Confidence Scores') colorbar
虽然 Road
要创建鸟瞰图图像,首先定义相机传感器配置。本示例末尾列出的支持函数 camvidMonoCameraSensor
可返回 monoCamera
(Automated Driving Toolbox) 对象,该对象表示用于收集 CamVid[1] 数据的单目相机。配置 monoCamera
(Automated Driving Toolbox) 时需要相机的内参和外参,这些参数是使用 CamVid 数据集中提供的数据进行估计的。为了估计相机的内参,该函数使用了 CamVid 棋盘校准图像和 Camera Calibrator (Computer Vision Toolbox) App。相机外参估计(例如高度和俯仰)来自于 CamVid 数据集的作者估计的外部参数数据。
% Create monoCamera for CamVid data.
sensor = camvidMonoCameraSensor();
(Automated Driving Toolbox) 对象将原始图像变换为鸟瞰图。此对象允许您指定要使用车辆坐标系变换的区域。请注意,车辆坐标单位是由 monoCamera
(Automated Driving Toolbox) 对象根据相机台座高度单位确定的,本例中以米为单位。如果高度以毫米为单位指定,则仿真的其他部分也将使用毫米为单位。
% Define bird's-eye-view transformation parameters. distAheadOfSensor = 20; % in meters, as previously specified in monoCamera height input spaceToOneSide = 3; % look 3 meters to the right and left bottomOffset = 0; outView = [bottomOffset, distAheadOfSensor, -spaceToOneSide, spaceToOneSide]; outImageSize = [NaN, 256]; % output image width in pixels; height is chosen automatically to preserve units per pixel ratio birdsEyeConfig = birdsEyeView(sensor,outView,outImageSize);
% Resize image and free space estimate to size of CamVid sensor. imageSize = sensor.Intrinsics.ImageSize; I = imresize(I,imageSize); freeSpaceConfidence = imresize(freeSpaceConfidence,imageSize); % Transform image and free space confidence scores into bird's-eye view. imageBEV = transformImage(birdsEyeConfig,I); freeSpaceBEV = transformImage(birdsEyeConfig,freeSpaceConfidence); % Display image frame in bird's-eye view. figure imshow(imageBEV)
title('Free Space Confidence')
为每个栅格单元生成一组 (X,Y) 点。这些点使用车辆坐标系。
(Automated Driving Toolbox) 变换将点从车辆坐标空间 (X,Y) 变换为鸟瞰图图像坐标空间 (x,y)。使用
抽取 (x,y) 位置处的自由空间置信度值,通过插值法来插补不完全位于图像像素中心的自由空间置信度值。使用该栅格单元中所有 (x,y) 点的平均自由空间置信度值来填充占据栅格单元。
为简洁起见,上面所述过程使用支持函数 createOccupancyGridFromFreeSpaceEstimate
实现,该函数列在此示例的末尾。根据鸟瞰图配置定义占据栅格的大小,并通过调用 createOccupancyGridFromFreeSpaceEstimate
% Define dimensions and resolution of the occupancy grid. gridX = distAheadOfSensor; gridY = 2 * spaceToOneSide; cellSize = 0.25; % in meters to match units used by CamVid sensor % Create the occupancy grid from the free space estimate. occupancyGrid = createOccupancyGridFromFreeSpaceEstimate(... freeSpaceBEV, birdsEyeConfig, gridX, gridY, cellSize);
使用 birdsEyePlot
(Automated Driving Toolbox) 可视化占据栅格。创建一个 birdsEyePlot
(Automated Driving Toolbox),并使用 pcolor
% Create bird's-eye plot. bep = birdsEyePlot('XLimits',[0 distAheadOfSensor],'YLimits', [-5 5]); % Add occupancy grid to bird's-eye plot. hold on [numCellsY,numCellsX] = size(occupancyGrid); X = linspace(0, gridX, numCellsX); Y = linspace(-gridY/2, gridY/2, numCellsY); h = pcolor(X,Y,occupancyGrid); title('Occupancy Grid (probability)') colorbar delete(legend) % Make the occupancy grid visualization transparent and remove grid lines. h.FaceAlpha = 0.5; h.LineStyle = 'none';
鸟瞰图还可以显示来自多个传感器的数据。例如,使用 coverageAreaPlotter
(Automated Driving Toolbox) 添加雷达覆盖区域。
% Add coverage area to plot. caPlotter = coverageAreaPlotter(bep, 'DisplayName', 'Coverage Area'); % Update it with a field of view of 35 degrees and a range of 60 meters mountPosition = [0 0]; range = 15; orientation = 0; fieldOfView = 35; plotCoverageArea(caPlotter, mountPosition, range, orientation, fieldOfView); hold off
(Automated Driving Toolbox) 能够检查车辆或世界坐标系中的某位置是占据的还是自由的。这种检查对于任何路径规划或决策算法均为必需的。使用生成的 occupancyGrid
创建 vehicleCostmap
(Automated Driving Toolbox)。
% Create the costmap. costmap = vehicleCostmap(flipud(occupancyGrid), ... 'CellSize',cellSize, ... 'MapLocation',[0,-spaceToOneSide]); costmap.CollisionChecker.InflationRadius = 0; % Display the costmap. figure plot(costmap,'Inflation','off') colormap(parula) colorbar title('Vehicle Costmap') % Orient the costmap so that it lines up with the vehicle coordinate % system, where the X-axis points in front of the ego vehicle and the % Y-axis points to the left. view(gca,-90,90)
为了说明如何使用 vehicleCostmap
(Automated Driving Toolbox),使用世界坐标系创建一组位置。这些位置表示车辆可以通过的路径。
% Create a set of locations in vehicle coordinates.
candidateLocations = [
8 0.375
10 0.375
12 2
14 0.375
使用 checkOccupied
(Automated Driving Toolbox) 检查每个位置是占据的还是自由的。根据结果,可能无法采用某条潜在的路径,因为它与 costmap
% Check if locations are occupied. isOccupied = checkOccupied(costmap,candidateLocations); % Partition locations into free and occupied for visualization purposes. occupiedLocations = candidateLocations(isOccupied,:); freeLocations = candidateLocations(~isOccupied,:); % Display free and occupied points on top of costmap. hold on markerSize = 100; scatter(freeLocations(:,1),freeLocations(:,2),markerSize,'g','filled') scatter(occupiedLocations(:,1),occupiedLocations(:,2),markerSize,'r','filled'); legend(["Free" "Occupied"]) hold off
上面使用的 occupancyGrid
(Automated Driving Toolbox) 和 checkOccupied
(Automated Driving Toolbox) 说明了 pathPlannerRRT
(Automated Driving Toolbox) 等路径规划器使用的基本操作。您可以在Automated Parking Valet (Automated Driving Toolbox)示例中了解有关路径规划的详细信息。
[1] Brostow, Gabriel J., Julien Fauqueur, and Roberto Cipolla."Semantic Object Classes in Video:A high-definition ground truth database."Pattern Recognition Letters.Vol. 30, Issue 2, 2009, pp. 88-97.
function sensor = camvidMonoCameraSensor() % Return a monoCamera camera configuration based on data from the CamVid % data set[1]. % % The cameraCalibrator app was used to calibrate the camera using the % calibration images provided in CamVid: % % http://web4.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/g.brostow/MotionSegRecData/data/CalibrationSeq_and_Files_0010YU.zip % % Calibration pattern grid size is 28 mm. % % Camera pitch is computed from camera pose matrices [R t] stored here: % % http://web4.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/g.brostow/MotionSegRecData/data/EgoBoost_trax_matFiles.zip % References % ---------- % [1] Brostow, Gabriel J., Julien Fauqueur, and Roberto Cipolla. "Semantic Object % Classes in Video: A high-definition ground truth database." _Pattern Recognition % Letters_. Vol. 30, Issue 2, 2009, pp. 88-97. calibrationData = load('camera_params_camvid.mat'); % Describe camera configuration. focalLength = calibrationData.cameraParams.FocalLength; principalPoint = calibrationData.cameraParams.PrincipalPoint; imageSize = calibrationData.cameraParams.ImageSize; % Camera height estimated based on camera setup pictured in [1]. height = 0.5; % height in meters from the ground % Camera pitch was computed using camera extrinsics provided in data set. pitch = 0; % pitch of the camera, towards the ground, in degrees camIntrinsics = cameraIntrinsics(focalLength,principalPoint,imageSize); sensor = monoCamera(camIntrinsics,height,'Pitch',pitch); end
function occupancyGrid = createOccupancyGridFromFreeSpaceEstimate(... freeSpaceBEV,birdsEyeConfig,gridX,gridY,cellSize) % Return an occupancy grid that contains the occupancy probability over % a uniform 2-D grid. % Number of cells in occupancy grid. numCellsX = ceil(gridX / cellSize); numCellsY = ceil(gridY / cellSize); % Generate a set of (X,Y) points for each grid cell. These points are in % the vehicle's coordinate system. Start by defining the edges of each grid % cell. % Define the edges of each grid cell in vehicle coordinates. XEdges = linspace(0,gridX,numCellsX); YEdges = linspace(-gridY/2,gridY/2,numCellsY); % Next, specify the number of sample points to generate along each % dimension within a grid cell. Use these to compute the step size in the % X and Y direction. The step size will be used to shift the edge values of % each grid to produce points that cover the entire area of a grid cell at % the desired resolution. % Sample 20 points from each grid cell. Sampling more points may produce % smoother estimates at the cost of additional computation. numSamplePoints = 20; % Step size needed to sample number of desired points. XStep = (XEdges(2)-XEdges(1)) / (numSamplePoints-1); YStep = (YEdges(2)-YEdges(1)) / (numSamplePoints-1); % Finally, slide the set of points across both dimensions of the grid % cells. Sample the occupancy probability along the way using % griddedInterpolant. % Create griddedInterpolant for sampling occupancy probability. Use 1 % minus the free space confidence to represent the probability of occupancy. occupancyProb = 1 - freeSpaceBEV; sz = size(occupancyProb); [y,x] = ndgrid(1:sz(1),1:sz(2)); F = griddedInterpolant(y,x,occupancyProb); % Initialize the occupancy grid to zero. occupancyGrid = zeros(numCellsY*numCellsX,1); % Slide the set of points XEdges and YEdges across both dimensions of the % grid cell. for j = 1:numSamplePoints % Increment sample points in the X-direction X = XEdges + (j-1)*XStep; for i = 1:numSamplePoints % Increment sample points in the Y-direction Y = YEdges + (i-1)*YStep; % Generate a grid of sample points in bird's-eye-view vehicle coordinates [XGrid,YGrid] = meshgrid(X,Y); % Transform grid of sample points to image coordinates xy = vehicleToImage(birdsEyeConfig,[XGrid(:) YGrid(:)]); % Clip sample points to lie within image boundaries xy = max(xy,1); xq = min(xy(:,1),sz(2)); yq = min(xy(:,2),sz(1)); % Sample occupancy probabilities using griddedInterpolant and keep % a running sum. occupancyGrid = occupancyGrid + F(yq,xq); end end % Determine mean occupancy probability. occupancyGrid = occupancyGrid / numSamplePoints^2; occupancyGrid = reshape(occupancyGrid,numCellsY,numCellsX); end