Signal Monitoring and Parameter Tuning
Configure communication between the host and the target hardware. Simulink® model is deployed as a C code on the hardware.
You can generate optimized code for STM32 processors for real-time and interrupt-driven execution of code and perform real-time signal monitoring, parameter tuning, and processor-in-the-loop (PIL) testing with Embedded Coder®.
- Serial Configuration for Monitor & Tune and PIL for STM32 Processor-Based Boards
Configure your model to run in Monitor & Tune (External mode) and PIL for STM32 Processor-Based Boards.
- SoC Blockset Task Profiling
Use the SoC Blockset™ profiler to measure tasks on the STM processor.
- Use SoC Blockset Pass-Through Block Simulation
Use the SoC Blockset block pass through to add simulation to STM blocks.
- STM32CubeMX based PIL Execution at the Command Line Using MATLAB Coder
PIL Execution at Command Line for STM32CubeMX.
- STMCubeMX Based PIL Execution Using the MATLAB Coder App
PIL Execution with app.
- STM32CubeMX Configuration for Voltage Mode Control
Instructions for STM32CubeMX configuration.
- Debug Simulink Generated Code in STM32CubeIDE
Integrate Simulink generated code with STM32CubeIDE.