设置和配置过程包括安装 Embedded Coder® Support Package for Infineon® AURIX™ TC3x Microcontrollers 软件,以及安装第三方软件,例如 Infineon Low Level Driver (iLLD)、TASKING(R) VX-toolset for TriCore、HighTec TriCore® Development Platform 和 Synopsys® Virtualizer Development Kit,以支持 Infineon AURIX TC3x。
安装此软件后,您可以设置模型以使用支持包,并设置与目标硬件或虚拟原型构建 (VP) 的通信。
codertarget.aurix_target.setiLLDPrecompiledFolder() | Set folder path to store precompiled iLLD library (自 R2024a 起) |
- What to Do After Installation
Area to explore and experiment after installation of the Embedded Coder Support Package for Infineon AURIX TC3x Microcontrollers.
- Supported Hardware and Required Software
Hardware and software required when using Embedded Coder Support Package for Infineon AURIX TC3x Microcontrollers.
- Change iLLD Version
Change Infineon low level driver (iLLD) version.
- Map Tasks and Peripherals Using Hardware Mapping
Map tasks and peripherals in a model to hardware board configurations.