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Create backtestEngine object to backtest strategies and analyze results

Since R2020b


Create a backtestEngine to run a backtest of portfolio investment strategies on historical data.

Use this workflow to develop and run a backtest:

  1. Define the strategy logic using a backtestStrategy object to specify how a strategy rebalances a portfolio of assets.

  2. Use backtestEngine to create a backtestEngine object that specifies parameters of the backtest.

  3. Use runBacktest to run the backtest against historical asset price data and, optionally, trading signal data.

  4. Use equityCurve to plot the equity curves of each strategy.

  5. Use summary to summarize the backtest results in a table format.

For more detailed information on this workflow, see Backtest Workflow and Backtest Investment Strategies Using Financial Toolbox.



backtester = backtestEngine(strategies) creates a backtestEngine object. Use the backtestEngine object to backtest the portfolio trading strategies defined in the backtestStrategy objects.


backtester = backtestEngine(___,Name,Value) sets properties using name-value pair arguments and any of the arguments in the previous syntax. You can specify multiple name-value pair arguments. For example, backtester = backtestEngine(strategies,'RiskFreeRate',0.02,'InitialPortfolioValue',1000,'RatesConvention',"Annualized",'Basis',2).


Input Arguments

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Backtest strategies, specified as a vector of backtestStrategy objects. Each backtestStrategy object defines a portfolio trading strategy.

Data Types: object

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: backtester = backtestEngine(strategies,'RiskFreeRate',0.02,'InitialPortfolioValue',1000,'RatesConvention',"Annualized",'Basis',2)

Risk free rate, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'RiskFreeRate' and a scalar numeric or a one-column timetable.


If you specify a timetable:

  • The dates in the specified timetable must include the start and end dates of the backtest.

  • The series of dates in the specified timetable between the start and end dates (inclusive) must correspond exactly to the corresponding series of dates in the assetPrices timetable.

If RatesConvention is "Annualized", then RiskFreeRate specifies an annualized rate.

If RatesConvention is "PerStep", then the RiskFreeRate is a decimal percentage and represents the risk free rate for one time step in the backtest. For example, if the backtest uses daily asset price data, then the RiskFreeRate value must be the daily rate of return for cash.

Data Types: double | timetable

Cash borrowing rate, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'CashBorrowRate' and a scalar numeric or a one-column timetable.


If you specify a timetable:

  • The dates in the specified timetable must include the start and end dates of the backtest.

  • The series of dates in the specified timetable between the start and end dates (inclusive) must correspond exactly to the corresponding series of dates in the assetPrices timetable.

The CashBorrowRate specifies the rate of interest accrual on negative cash balances (margin) during the backtest.

If RatesConvention is "Annualized", then CashBorrowRate specifies an annualized rate.

If RatesConvention is "PerStep", then the CashBorrowRate value is a decimal percentage and represents the interest accrual rate for one time step in the backtest. For example, if the backtest is using daily asset price data, then the CashBorrowRate value must be the daily interest rate for negative cash balances.

Data Types: double | timetable

Initial portfolio value, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'InitialPortfolioValue' and a scalar numeric.

Data Types: double

Since R2021a

Defines how backtest engine uses RiskFreeRate and CashBorrowRate to compute interest, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'RatesConvention' and a character vector or string.

  • 'Annualized' — The rates are treated as annualized rates and the backtest engine computes incremental interest based on the day count convention specified in the Basis property. This is the default.

  • 'PerStep' — The rates are treated as per-step rates and the backtest engine computes interest at the provided rates at each step of the backtest.

Data Types: char | string

Since R2022a

Date handling behavior for rebalance dates that are missing from asset prices timetable, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'DateAdjustment' and a character vector or string.

  • 'Previous' — For each rebalance date in the rebalance schedule, the rebalance occurs on the nearest date in the asset timetable that occurs on or before the requested rebalance date. This is the default.

  • 'Next' — Move to the next date.

  • 'None' — Dates are not adjusted and the backtest engine errors when encountering a rebalance date that does not appear in the asset prices timetable.

Data Types: char | string

Since R2021a

Defines the day-count convention when computing interest at the RiskFreeRate or CashBorrowRate, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Basis' and a scalar integer using a supported value:

  • 0 = actual/actual

  • 1 = 30/360 (SIA)

  • 2 = actual/360

  • 3 = actual/365

  • 4 = 30/360 (PSA)

  • 5 = 30/360 (ISDA)

  • 6 = 30/360 (European)

  • 7 = actual/365 (Japanese)

  • 8 = actual/actual (ICMA)

  • 9 = actual/360 (ICMA)

  • 10 = actual/365 (ICMA)

  • 11 = 30/360E (ICMA)

  • 12 = actual/365 (ISDA)

  • 13 = BUS/252

For more information, see Basis.


Basis is only used when the RatesConvention property is set to "Annualized". If the RatesConvention is "PerStep", and Basis is set, backtestEngine ignores the Basis value.

Data Types: double

Since R2023b

Indicates if backtest expenses (transaction costs or fees) are paid from cash account or by reducing the total portfolio value, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'PayExpensesFromCash' and a logical value.

If set to false (the default), backtest expenses are paid by reducing the total portfolio value. This allows the backtest engine to pay for expenses while maintaining the strategy allocation weights exactly.

If set to true, the backtest engine pays all expenses from one or more cash accounts (CashAssets) or debt accounts (DebtAssets). This happens as follows:

  1. If user-controlled cash assets are not specified (that is, the CashAssets or DebtAssets parameters for runBacktest are not set), then expenses are paid from the unallocated cash account. This is the default behavior. The unallocated cash account contains the remaining portfolio value when the backtestStrategy rebalance function returns portfolio weights that do not sum to 1. Unallocated cash earns the RiskFreeRate (or CashBorrowRate if it goes negative).

  2. If user-controlled cash assets are specified (that is, CashAssets or DebtAssets parameters for runBacktest are set), then expenses are paid using the first specified cash asset if it has sufficient funds. If not, the first cash asset is set to $0 and the engine moves on to the second cash asset, continuing in this way until the expense is paid. Once all CashAssets are exhausted and if some expense remains unpaid, then the first specified DebtAsset incurs all remaining expenses. If no DebtAsset is specified, then the final cash asset goes negative to pay any remaining expense.

Data Types: logical


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Backtest strategies, specified as a vector of backtestStrategy objects.

Data Types: object

Risk free rate, specified as a scalar numeric or timetable.

Data Types: double

Cash borrowing rate, specified as a scalar numeric or timetable.

Data Types: double

Initial portfolio value, specified as a scalar numeric.

Data Types: double

Use annualized rates for RiskFreeRate and CashBorrowRate, specified as a scalar logical.

Data Types: logical

Date handling behavior for rebalance dates that are missing from asset prices timetable, specified as a string.

Data Types: char | string

Day-count of annualized rates for RiskFreeRate and CashBorrowRate, specified a scalar integer.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Number of assets in the portfolio universe, a numeric. NumAssets is derived from the timetable of adjusted prices passed to runBacktest. NumAssets is empty until you run the backtest using the runBacktest function.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Strategy returns, a NumTimeSteps-by-NumStrategies timetable of strategy returns. Returns are per time step. For example, if you use daily prices with runBacktest, then Returns is the daily strategy returns. Returns is empty until you run the backtest using the runBacktest function.

Data Types: timetable

This property is read-only.

Asset positions for each strategy, a structure containing a NumTimeSteps-by-NumAssets timetable of asset positions for each strategy. For example, if you use daily prices in the runBacktest, then the Positions structure holds timetables containing the daily asset positions. Positions is empty until you run the backtest using the runBacktest function.

Data Types: struct

This property is read-only.

Strategy turnover, a NumTimeSteps-by-NumStrategies timetable. Turnover is empty until you run the backtest using the runBacktest function.

Data Types: timetable

This property is read-only.

Transaction costs for the asset purchases of each strategy, a NumTimeSteps-by-NumStrategies timetable. BuyCost is empty until you run the backtest using the runBacktest function.

Data Types: timetable

This property is read-only.

Transaction costs for the asset sales of each strategy, a NumTimeSteps-by-NumStrategies timetable. SellCost is empty until you run the backtest using the runBacktest function.

Data Types: timetable

Since R2022b

This property is read-only.

Paid fees for management and performance fees, a struct containing a timetable for each strategy which holds all the fees paid by the strategy. The Fees timetable contains an entry for each date where at least one fee was paid. Each column holds the amount paid for a particular type of fee. If no fees are paid, then the Fees timetable is empty.

For more information on management and performance fees defined using a backtestStrategy object, see Management Fees, Performance Fees, and Performance Hurdle.

Data Types: timetable

Since R2023b

This property is read-only.

Indicates if backtest expenses (transaction costs or fees) are paid from cash account or by reducing the total portfolio value, a logical value.

Data Types: logical

Since R2023b

This property is read-only.

Detailed transaction costs for per-asset transaction costs for strategy, a struct containing a timetable of detailed, per-asset transaction costs for each strategy. The TransactionCosts timetables contain one row for each rebalance date and one column for each asset.

If the strategy generates aggregate transaction costs, then the TransactionCosts timetable for that strategy is empty.

Data Types: timetable

Object Functions

runBacktestRun backtest on one or more strategies
summaryGenerate summary table of backtest results
equityCurvePlot equity curves of strategies


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Use a backtesting engine in MATLAB® to run a backtest on an investment strategy over a time series of market data. You can define a backtesting engine by using backtestEngine object. A backtestEngine object sets properties of the backtesting environment, such as the risk-free rate, and holds the results of the backtest. In this example, you can create a backtesting engine to run a simple backtest and examine the results.

Create Strategy

Define an investment strategy by using the backtestStrategy function. This example builds a simple equal-weighted investment strategy that invests equally across all assets. For more information on creating backtest strategies, see backtestStrategy.

% The rebalance function is simple enough that you can use an anonymous function
equalWeightRebalanceFcn = @(current_weights,~) ones(size(current_weights)) / numel(current_weights);

% Create the strategy
strategy = backtestStrategy("EqualWeighted",equalWeightRebalanceFcn,...
    'TransactionCosts',[0.0025 0.005],...
strategy = 
  backtestStrategy with properties:

                      Name: "EqualWeighted"
              RebalanceFcn: @(current_weights,~)ones(size(current_weights))/numel(current_weights)
        RebalanceFrequency: 20
          TransactionCosts: [0.0025 0.0050]
            LookbackWindow: 0
            InitialWeights: [1x0 double]
             ManagementFee: 0
     ManagementFeeSchedule: 1y
            PerformanceFee: 0
    PerformanceFeeSchedule: 1y
         PerformanceHurdle: 0
                  UserData: [0x0 struct]
            EngineDataList: [0x0 string]

Set Backtesting Engine Properties

The backtesting engine has several properties that you set by using parameters to the backtestEngine function.

Risk-Free Rate

The RiskFreeRate property holds the interest rate earned for uninvested capital (that is, cash). When the sum of portfolio weights is below 1, the remaining capital is invested in cash and earns the risk-free rate. The risk-free rate and the cash-borrow rate can be defined in annualized terms or as explicit "per-time-step" interest rates. The RatesConvention property is used to specify how the backtestEngine interprets the two rates (the default interpretation is "Annualized"). For this example, set the risk-free rate to 2% annualized.

% 2% annualized risk-free rate
riskFreeRate = 0.02;

Cash Borrow Rate

The CashBorrowRate property sets the interest accrual rate applied to negative cash balances. If at any time the portfolio weights sum to a value greater than 1, then the cash position is negative by the amount in excess of 1. This behavior of portfolio weights is analogous to borrowing capital on margin to invest with leverage. Like the RiskFreeRate property, the CashBorrowRate property can either be annualized or per-time-step depending on the value of the RatesConvention property.

% 6% annualized margin interest rate
cashBorrowRate = 0.06;

Initial Portfolio Value

The InitialPortfolioValue property sets the value of the portfolio at the start of the backtest for all strategies. The default is $10,000.

% Start backtest with $1M
initPortfolioValue = 1000000;

Create Backtest Engine

Using the prepared properties, create the backtesting engine using the backtestEngine function.

% The backtesting engine takes an array of backtestStrategy objects as the first argument
backtester = backtestEngine(strategy,...
backtester = 
  backtestEngine with properties:

               Strategies: [1x1 backtestStrategy]
             RiskFreeRate: 0.0200
           CashBorrowRate: 0.0600
          RatesConvention: "Annualized"
                    Basis: 0
    InitialPortfolioValue: 1000000
           DateAdjustment: "Previous"
      PayExpensesFromCash: 0
                NumAssets: []
                  Returns: []
                Positions: []
                 Turnover: []
                  BuyCost: []
                 SellCost: []
         TransactionCosts: []
                     Fees: []

Several additional properties of the backtesting engine are initialized to empty. The backtesting engine populates these properties, which contain the results of the backtest, upon completion of the backtest.

Load Data and Run Backtest

Run the backtest over daily price data from the 30 component stocks of the DJIA.

% Read table of daily adjusted close prices for 2006 DJIA stocks
T = readtable('dowPortfolio.xlsx');

% Remove the DJI index column and convert to timetable
pricesTT = table2timetable(T(:,[1 3:end]),'RowTimes','Dates');

Run the backtest using the runBacktest function.

backtester = runBacktest(backtester,pricesTT)
backtester = 
  backtestEngine with properties:

               Strategies: [1x1 backtestStrategy]
             RiskFreeRate: 0.0200
           CashBorrowRate: 0.0600
          RatesConvention: "Annualized"
                    Basis: 0
    InitialPortfolioValue: 1000000
           DateAdjustment: "Previous"
      PayExpensesFromCash: 0
                NumAssets: 30
                  Returns: [250x1 timetable]
                Positions: [1x1 struct]
                 Turnover: [250x1 timetable]
                  BuyCost: [250x1 timetable]
                 SellCost: [250x1 timetable]
         TransactionCosts: [1x1 struct]
                     Fees: [1x1 struct]

Examine Results

The backtesting engine populates the read-only properties of the backtestEngine object with the backtest results. Daily values for portfolio returns, asset positions, turnover, transaction costs, and fees are available to examine.

Examine the daily returns.

% Generate a histogram of daily portfolio returns
title('Daily Portfolio Returns')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Daily Portfolio Returns contains an object of type histogram.

Use equityCurve to plot the equity curve for the simple equal-weighted investment strategy.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Equity Curve, xlabel Time, ylabel Portfolio Value contains an object of type line. This object represents EqualWeighted.

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Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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